Epilogue II

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"What do you think about having kids, Arianna?" Raiden asked me drawing small circles on my shoulder as we laid down ok the rooftop of our house ins Cape May, New Jersey.

We bought houses and penthouses at many places in states, and in foreign. It comes conventional when you travel a lot for long periods and don't have to spend a lot of money on residence in a hotel.

We don't have to think twice before flying there whenever because we already have a place there. Besides, we feel home everywhere because it was us who designed and gave our touch to the house making it cozy.

We didn't buy big mansions, just small cozy houses making us feel home.

I looked up to him wide eyes at his question. He always said he didn't want kids all these ten years I've been with him. I didn't mind because I never put the second thought to it.

"I don't know, Raiden, what do you think?" I asked planting a soft kiss on his bare chest.

"It's been on my mind for a while now. Two weeks ago when Harvey and Iris visited us, the way you were with Leora, the sight just made my heart go crazy, in a good way," he said still caressing my shoulder

Leora Gianna Costa, Harvey and Iris' one-year-old daughter.

"She's one little angel, isn't she?" I mused with a smile on my face as her sweet angelic face flashed behind my eyes.

"She is," he agreed, "She's a replica of Iris physically, but her actions are Harvey's,"

"She's perfect little thing, one of the best things that can happen to them,"

"What do you think of our perfect little thing?" He asked for my wish, my opinion on having kids for the second time today.

An image of a cute little boy running around pops in my mind. Dark hair falling on his forehead, as he looked at me with those big silver eyes of his with that cheeky smile on his baby face.

I smile at the image, then I realized it wouldn't be bad having a mini Raiden running around the house.

The sight of Raiden with our baby makes my heart flap like a hummingbird.

"Our perfect little thing would be a sight to see when he or she grows up. Being a mixture of you and me, he or she will knock everyone's breath. I mean, look at us..." I gestured between us as I got up and sat on his lap as he rested his back on the bed rest.

The moonlight lighting his sharp features, and his eyes looked pure silver shining under the silver of night with happiness.

"Oh, and the amount of self-confidence..." we laughed

"On the serious note, no matter how busy we are, we will always make time for our baby, just like we always do with each other. I don't want him to feel alone or not loved," I became very serious suddenly as the memories of how I grew up flashed in my mind.

"I want us to give him everything he wants, but not spoil him at the same time. I don't want to make the same mistake my parents made, you know," my voice cracked

"Oh, baby, we will love her no matter what," he said pulling closer

"We are definitely not going to be the best parents in the history but we will give our best," he said kissing me softly.

"I love you," I said biting his lip.

"I know, baby, I love you," he whispered


Levi, our thirteen-year-old son, was laying down on the couch with our almost-two-year-old daughters, Elise and Elite, tucked protectively on his broad chest.

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