23 | His story

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I stared straight through the horizon, where the sun is almost ready to set. I can hear the water, the wind, and the faint banter of Harvey and Iris downstairs.

I sat there in the balcony of the guest room I've used soo many times whether it's to sleep, to have a shower, just stay there away from boys or sit in its balcony and think.

It's calm, and I can think here. I do that at my house too, but the place itself suffocates me. So the need of getting out of the house is always higher.

But here in this house, it feels completely different. Feels like home. And I can assure you it's not the luxury or the beach nearby speaking.

Because my house is full of luxury too. It screams luxury and expensive inside out. And my room screams on Arianna June. I've reformed it totally in my style years ago.

I go to sleep looking at the moon and wake up at the dull sky and faint sun. There's a window right beside my bed, and it's nice.

It feels good in my room, but still, I always just want to get out of that room, the house. And I can't help but feel guilty about it.

I feel like I'm betraying my parents by feeling that. It's-

"Hey," I feel the seat dip beside me.

I didn't have to turn around to know it was Archer. I rest my back on his chest as he put his arms around me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked still looking at the mass of water

"Harvey and Iris are at it again. I didn't see you downstairs, so I thought you would be either here or out at the beach," he said. He's warm breath fanning on my neck, almost sending chills through my spine.

I chuckle softly at the mention of Harvey and Iris. They're always at it.

Archer gently draws small circles with his index on my right knee. It was very comforting. Hell, almost no one came this close to me before. And at home, none of my family approved physical contact. Even my parents and uncle and aunt keep it in their room.

They never touch me affectionately, so this thing Archer doing right now feels good. And new.

I want to get away from him, not wanting to get used to it. But I can't help but savor it while it lasts.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" He asked after a while

"Just my family," I answered honestly

"I know where you come from, Arianna. Trust me, I know and I understand you," he said "But the more you think about it, the more you'll get sad. And I don't want you to be sad, Arianna,"

"But I can't help it. Every time you, Harvey, or Iris do something for me, I can't help but compare you guys with my family. Every time I feel home, I can't help but wonder how come I've never felt home at my house between my family," I said, turning around facing him.

His grey eyes held a silent storm in them. As if he was fighting a battle with himself. After a while, his eyes cleared and looked dead in my eyes as he spoke.

"I was never enough for my father. Not now, and certainly not before. Whatever I did, was not enough for him. When I was a kid, he never paid attention to me. So I used to get in fights and always got bad grades to get his attention. He's always looked at me with dissatisfaction. No matter what I did, how hard I worked, it was never enough for him," he started, never breaking my eye contact. I was burning inside with the intensity he was looking at me, and his words tore my heart apart.

"I have a father, but it feels like I never had a father in the right way. Not since..." he trailed off.

"Not since my mother died," he whispered so quietly, I barely heard him

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