28 | Happy Birthday

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No, I wanna sleep. I snuggled deep in my warm pillow and blanket. I was way too comfy to get up now.



"I swear I will pick you up," he threatened.

Is he for real?

I seek physical contact. And I like being picking up in someone's arms. Well, only two people have picked me up. And it feels really warm and nice and comfy. And homey.

When I didn't move, I felt a pair of arms snake around me and lift me from my bed.

I finally opened my eyes to make contact with Raiden's chest. I looked up with a smile, and he dropped me on the bed.

"Ow," I muttered, "That's not a nice thing to do, Raiden,"

"Not a nice thing to keep sleeping when a hot guy comes to wake you up," he replied.

I stuck out my tongue at him like a child, "What time is it?"

"It's eight in the morning," he said, sitting beside me.

"What?" My eyes widened at the fact that I overslept for the first time in my life since I started waking up on my own.

"Whoa. I slept like a baby," I muttered.

"Happy birthday, Arianna," Raiden said, looking at me with such an intensity that I can feel my face heating up by just his look.

"Thank you," I managed to choke out, meeting his eyes.

He leaned in and swept me in his arms, holding me tight. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I felt him plant a very feather-light kiss on my neck. If I weren't so high of the feelings right now, I probably wouldn't have noticed it. It was so light, so gentle.

The door of my bedroom swung open, and I jumped away from Raiden as if he burnt me. Iris stood there at the door, her eyes narrowed at Raiden and me.

I could tell my face was even redder than a tomato. And Raiden sat there on my bed as if he owned it.

Damn you, Raiden.

"What the hell was going on here?" Iris asked then clicked her tongue, "Wait, don't answer that,"

My face heated up even more. "It was-wasn't like that. He—he just woke me up,"

Way to go, Arianna. Why did you stutter???

"Of course," she smirked and wiggled her brows.

"Ugh," I groaned and got up from the floor and kicked both of them out. I went to my bathroom and splashed water on my face.

Raiden feather-light kissed my neck.

Does that mean he likes me too? He wouldn't do that if he didn't like me, would he?

No, he's not like that.


He likes me. No. He couldn't take a liking to someone like me. I'm a selfish person. And I won't hesitate to leave him behind to pursue my career. I won't hesitate to leave him behind to do something in my life and prove my father wrong.

And that's only going to hurt him in the end. No, he can't like me.


What if it was a friendly gesture?

Friends don't kiss each other's neck.

I wouldn't know that. I've never had a real friend who was a guy.

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