40 | Trouble in paradise

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I have to talk to him. I gave him two weeks to figure out whatever was wrong and talk to me. But still, he hasn't. And that's enough. He wants me near him, but his head is not near him.

He wants to hold me, but his eyes are miles away. As if he's thinking something else when he's with me. He's not even his usual self when we talk.

The last I saw him was last night when we went to sleep. He wasn't there when I woke up he wasn't there. He called me and said he was in the garage working and will come late at night. And I am going to wait for him to come home so we can talk. Not going to sleep tonight. I will talk to him and find out what's bothering him.

If I put on some movie, I'd definitely fall asleep. I was no mood to workout, so that's out of the list. I could read. Yeah, that'll definitely keep me interested enough to not fall asleep.

I got and walked to the bookshelf in his room. There were many books, and most of them were on aerospace engineering, automotive engineering... Everything related to motors and any type of vehicle.

And there was this smaller section where classics were shelved, like Odyssey, Frankenstein, 1984, The Time Machine and many more.

I grabbed a random book on automobile engineering, a note pad, and a pen and went back to the bed. I opened the textbook and started going through the contents, and revised things I already knew and tried to understand new concepts, taking notes every now and then.

Learning about cars always takes me to another world. All of the concepts have me so intrigued that I forget about the world and focus on it. Just like every other time I learn a new thing.

I heard a click of the door and I knew it was Raiden. I looked up from the book and met his tired grey eyes as he closed the door behind him.

"I didn't know you were still awake, Arianna," he said slowly, I could hear the tiredness in his voice.

Now's not the time to talk to him. He's very tired and talking about what has been bothering him will drain him even more.

"Just working," I pointed at the books in front of me. He took off his clothes and threw them in the laundry basket as I wrapped everything up and placed it on the small table beside the bed.

"Come here," I opened my arms laying down on the bed.

He just stood there for a second having an internal debate about something, then just flopped down on the bed and wrapped his arms around me resting his head on my chest.

I wrapped one hand around him, pulling him closer, and brought another to his hair running through it knowing it calms him down.

"It's going to be alright, baby, whatever is bothering you. It's okay," I whispered

His whole body went tense as he tightened his arms around me as if I was going to disappear in thin air.

"It's just—" he started in a low voice but I interrupted him.

"Shh, it's okay, baby. It's okay," I whispered and pressed my lips on his head.

I pulled him up so his head was now in the crook on my neck. I turned my head around and kissed him.

It was a reassuring kiss as if to tell him that I was here and I wasn't going anywhere. As if to tell him that everything's going to be alright, whatever it was.

"We'll talk in the morning, just go to sleep," I murmured as he pulled me even closer pressing every inch of me against him.

"I love you, Arianna," he said

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