Epilogue I

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I double-check if I've got everything I need for the trip. Raiden didn't give me any details other than we're going out of the city for the weekend. Even after all of these years together, he never ceases to surprise me.

As soon as we got home today, he kissed my temple and said "Let's get out for the weekend," With that infamous mischievous glint in his grey eyes.

"You ready?" He asked as he entered our room. He looked deviously handsome in those ripped jeans and tee. Casual and comfy, and to top that, his messy hair. He was mouthwatering.

"Always," I gave him a knowing smile at the double meaning behind my answer.

His grin widened making my heart skip a beat even after being six years together. He still has that effect on me. And he's always going to have that effect on me. I don't think I can ever get tired of him.

It's a new adventure each day with him. During college, it was hard for both of us being apart and trying to ace in studies. Both of our insecurities and the lack of time for both of us frustrated us to no end.

We fought a lot, but we also learned a lot. Those four years were hard on our relationship, but we became close and stronger together.

Now after graduating two years ago, we're building our life, our empire together in New York City along with Iris and Harvey. Raiden and Harvey own Wanderlust which is expanded to San Francisco, Miami, and Chicago.

I help them whenever I can, give them business advice and also, learn a lot of things. Iris and I own a streetwear designer clothing firm, SixS. She designs and I manage. Since I have a degree in business management, I manage the business and she creates new designs.

It was busy and hard to start from zero, but with Harvey and Raiden by our side, we did it. Well, my father and uncle offered to invest and help us, but I didn't want their help. I wanted to do something on my own.

And they are proud.

Raiden pecks my lips before taking my backpack and slinging it over my shoulders and grabbed his as we made our way to the elevator.

"At least tell me if we're going to fly or drive," I whined like a baby

He looked down at me with those beautiful grey orbs, "We're gonna fly,"

My eyes widened at his reply, I thought we were going to drive. Because whenever we go out for the weekend, we drive unless it's far or to an island.

It's been a while since we spent time away from our busy lives, but still, our work follows us everywhere.

We checked in and followed the chauffeur to the private jet. We got comfortable and waited for the departure.

I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his chest as his arms circled around my waist.

I took a deep breath, taking his signature smell in as I listened to his soothing heartbeats.

"Sleep, baby, it's gonna take a while," He murmured in my hair.

I hummed as I drifted to sleep. He was my home. I don't care if we are on the streets or if we are in hell, as long as I'm with him, I'm home and at peace.

I woke up to the voice of people talking. I felt Raiden's chest vibrate as he spoke to someone. I looked up to see Rick and Ross, his wife and Harvey's sister, seated in front of us laughing at something Raiden said.

Rick? Ross?

Oh god...

I'm wide awake as the realization draws to me. He fucking brought me to Miami. It has been six months since I last saw my family. He knew I missed them and but I couldn't take time off to fly here.

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