35 | In love

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I stared at him wide-eyed at what he said. His face has adoration and now that he said it, his love for me is clear on his face.

How do I know if I love him or not

"Shit, I shouldn't have said that so soon," he muttered and met my eyes, "I fucked up, didn't I?"

He fucked up?

Now I was gaping at him as if he grew two heads. "How the hell did you fuck up?" I asked him sternly

"I don't know, I probably shouldn't have said that I love you so soon, I probably scared you off," he muttered slowly looking everywhere but at me.

"Raiden, look at me," I said and when he didn't, I grabbed his faces and forces him to look at me as I sat up, coming face to face with him.

I stared deep into those grey pools of his, they were so clear and bright but at the same time, they were a mystery and I wanted to keep them that way.

"I was just wondering how you knew you love me. I can't tell you the same," I paused and saw the hurt flash on his face and he started to pull away, but I held him tighter.

"Not because I don't love you, I probably do, but I don't know what love is. And I don't want to give you and me false hope telling I love you when in reality I just think that I love you," I explained

"I need to sort out my feelings before I tell you anything," I murmured kissing his strong jaw

"It's okay," he whispered "It's okay,"

He circled his arms around my waist and pulled me close as he buried his face in my neck. I ran my hand through his head as if to assure him.

"Come on, go shower," I told him as I pulled away and got out of the bed.

"Fuck," I heard Raiden curse.

I turned around with a questioning look on my face and his eyes turned into a shade darker. His lips parted a little bit, and his eyes widen as he looked at me.

"You can't expect me to control myself when you are wearing only my tee shirt and looking at me with those big eyes of yours," he said huskily

"Who told you to control yourself, Raiden, I'm all yours," I whispered

He let out an animalistic growl before striding towards me. He had one arm around my waist and other on the back of my neck as he pushed me to the wall and attacked my lips hungrily.

The lust, the hunger, and the control were evident in his kiss. He slipped his tongue in my mouth as I bit his lower lip that seemed to awake something in him.

He moved to my neck, sucking and savoring the skin there. A moan escaped from me that seemed to encourage him more. I attached my lips to his collarbone to stop me from making any noise, I bit him lightly and sucked into the skin.

He detached himself from me as if my skin burned him alive and stood a few steps ahead breathing heavily.

My breathing was ragged as I wrap my head around what just happened.

"Don't ever do that unless you want me to fuck you senseless," he breathed out, running his hand through his hair.

His bluntness made me blush harder than ever and I was looking everywhere but at him.

I grabbed my clothes and made my way to the bathroom, but not before planting a soft kiss on his shoulder. From the corner of my eye, I saw his hand twitch to touch me, but he restrained himself knowing that once he did, he wouldn't be able to stop.

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