8 | Curious person

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Harvey's eyes snap open and glare directly at me. Then his eyes shoot towards Finch. Then at me.

"That's what I should have said," Harvey says calmly, meeting my eyes. "I should be the one surprised to see you in my house,"

I am shocked. No, that would be an understatement. How would you feel when you arrive somewhere believe that it's your friend's house only to reach there and find out it's the person's house who knows your little secret?

Yeah, that's exactly how I feel.

"Your house?" I slowly draw out.

"Our house technically," Finch says with an amused smirk on his face. What in the earth does he find amusing in this situation??

"We bought this together. And, I see," Finch nods at Harvey, who is now sitting on the floor, folding his arms over his knees at his chest, "that you guys know each other."

"She's the one I told you about," Harvey says, eyeing me.

I am even more confused now.

"Wait. What? Are you guys brothers or what?" I frown at how confusing the whole situation is. "You guys need to explain what the hell is going on here, or else with the amount of thinking I am doing, by one hour my brain's condition will be same as my legs," I say frustratedly, "You," I point at Finch, "Explain,"

I act like I've known them for a long time, being all authoritative and all. But it's so confusing, and I couldn't care less how I seem off right now.

Harvey suddenly starts laughing like he's seen or heard the funniest thing ever. I glare at him as if to tell that if he doesn't stop, I will ruin his face.

Me throwing that was behind my back at him makes him shut up to save his life.

"Shit," I breathe in deeply at the pain that shoots through my body at the sudden movement.

Nor Harvey or Finch noticed that. Or even if they did, they chose to ignore it. And I'm glad for that.

"All you need to know is Harvey's my friend and my housemate," He left it at that.

And he left me with more questions, but then, it's none of my business. I mean, who is he? I don't know him. He's not my friend. Then why sudden curiosity about him? Because you are a curious person, AJ.

That's true, but—

Why do I care?

Maybe because he's a hot piece of a person and you're attracted to him?

So what?

Finch's voice brings me back to reality, "And Harvey, all you need to know is she's injured, and I just couldn't leave her out on the streets just like that. Now, how do you know her?"

"Well, if you would attend school, you would have known her too. But since you are so busy," Harvey mocks him on the word busy, and I am still missing out something here, not that it's any of my business... "You wouldn't know that she studies with me, us to be specific,"

Finch goes to our school?


"And you," Harvey snaps at me, and I raise my eyebrows as if to tell him to watch his tone. "You seemed more than fine yesterday. What happened suddenly? And it's like what? Six in the morning, what were you doing out on the streets as Finch like to put it?" He scans me, and I try not to feel uncomfortable under his gaze and glare him down. As it turns out, it doesn't work.

"And with the clothes you've put on, it seems like you were working out. Or I'm wrong again, huh?" I almost flinch at his harsh tone of voice.

Almost. But I did not. I am used to it.

"Watch your tone, Harvey," I warned "And like I made it clear yesterday, what I do is none of your fucking business. Believe whatever. Do I look like I care?" I sneered

"Ah, then if I tell the whole school, you wouldn't care either, would you?" He smirks knowingly. He knows he got me.

Only he didn't.

I just shrug. "If you are trying to get a reaction out of me, then you won't get it that way," I say casually, trying to ignore the questioning gaze of Finch.

"Oh, and for your kind information, I don't hide away because I'm afraid of people's opinion or something, It's because of the unwanted attention it will attract toward me when all I want is to graduate the stupid high school without any drama. And if they know this," I gesture toward me in general, "all they are going to do is ask for answers I don't want to give them, just like you did yesterday. And probably are currently doing right now. Imagine that, just a hundred times worse, people stopping you every five minutes to ask you what is going in your life,"

That somehow seems to shut him up. His face twisted in a genuine understanding of the situation. It's strange, though, and I don't know why.

I don't like people prying into my life, and I wouldn't pry into others for obvious reasons. So, I don't ask him why he looks like he's been through something like this.

I notice Finch being completely silent throughout our whole conversation.

Nor once he asked what we were talking about either. Maybe he thought it was none of his business since I made such a big deal of it with Harvey.

If he has any questions right now, he doesn't ask them. Maybe that is because he'll ask them to Harvey later. Or either he doesn't care.

If that's the case, I can't be more grateful for that.

* * *

People who poke their noses in others' business have nothing better to do with their lives.

Fighting for Life | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें