27 | Unexpectedly surprised

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After I showed Harvey and Archer the guestrooms, I decided to have a long hot shower. The way today went, it was needed.

Guess what? Iris was staying with Harvey. And I really hope they are using protection because I'm not ready to be a Godmother or an aunt.

By the time I finished my shower, my mother had called everyone downstairs for dinner.

"Mrs. Fletcher, you didn't have to cook for us. We could've have managed something," Archer was saying to my mother when I reached there.

"If you are staying here, you will have to follow some rules. And the main rule is only to eat homemade food in this house," she said, serving the table.

"I don't eat fast food. What I meant was that if you allowed me in the kitchen, I could've have made something. After all, I'm going to be here for a week minimum, I may as well make myself home. Besides, I'm not going to ask you every time I'm hungry, which is—" Raiden said

"All the time," I finished for him, taking a seat between him and Harvey.

"Where's aunt?" I asked her since I didn't see her

"She was worried when Derek came, so he took her out," she told me before going back to the kitchen to bring something.

"It's been a long time. Well, I hope they enjoy their night off," I said and started serving my friends.

I have to say my mother made the best food ever.

"I never thought I'll live the day you will serve me food, Little one," Harvey mused.

"Oh, shut up, Harvey, I do serve you when I make the breakfast. You are just not present to witness it," I said

"Yeah, whatever," he muttered before digging in his food.

My father was observing all four of us with unnamed emotion in his eyes. I couldn't point what it was. But I could tell it was very positive.

I didn't dare meet his eyes. I knew to let my friends stay here was a really big thing. And how he agreed is beyond me.

The dining table was silent, except for Iris and Harvey's conversation.

"Damn, talk about the awkward," Archer muttered in my ear.

"Welcome to my world, Raiden," I whispered back.

"Archer," my father said, making Archer give him all his attention, "What do you do to earn money? I hear your father cut you off from the funds?"

Way to go, dear daddy. You had to bring up his father.

I place my hand on his knee to relax him, knowing he was tense as hell at the mention of his father.

Thankfully Harvey was paying attention and answered for him calmly, "We own Wanderlust,"

"The Wanderlust? The automobile modification company?" My father asked with appreciation and surprise laced in his voice.

The Wanderlust?

I snap my head towards Harvey in surprise. I knew the motto of their company sounded familiar. I just didn't connect the dots.

I work for them. I work for the same company they own: The Wanderlust.


"That exact one," Harvey confirmed

Just wow.

The world is so small.

"Impressive. How come you both are only in High school and have advanced knowledge about automobiles?"

"We read, work, and learn. We have the best team of engineers and mechanics. And a very talented designer, planner, and advisor," he said

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