26 | Girl Talk

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"Spill," I said as soon as I saw Raiden's car get out of the driveway.

Iris gaped at me, "What?"

"What's going on between you and Harvey?" I raised my brows sitting beside her on the bed.

I saw the red creeping up her cheeks, and an automatic smile made its way on her face.

"Well, I may have blurted it out during my pointless ramble earlier that how I liked him and how he didn't give me a second glance," she said

Wow. Typical her.

But then, out of all of the times I imagined Iris tell him she liked him, or Harvey telling her, this was not one of them. Hell, I wouldn't even imagine this even in my dreams.

"Did he finally man up and said he liked you too?" I asked slowly because I knew he was a complicated guy. He had his issues, and he told me that at the moment he didn't need a girlfriend.

He had many things to deal with in his life, and a girlfriend would only take his time and distract him.

That boy was stupid. He was already giving Iris all that time and she was already a distraction for him from the amount of thinking he did about her.

"More like he attacked my mouth for a hot kiss and said these exact words 'I would ask, 'Guess who's becoming my girl?' But I won't because I and my baggage are a package deal and I don't think you wanna deal with that,' I wanted to laugh, but the seriousness in his eyes told me he was very serious," she said

"Then why were you smiling and blushing like lovestruck?" I asked raising a brow

"Well, he may have opened up to me and I may have said some things that made him decide he's going to call me Bliss forever because I brought joy to him. Which to me, it makes no sense at all, but guess we still have issues to solve," she sighed

"I'm glad you guys got that over with. So, where are you guys right now?" I smiled warmly at her.

I was really happy that Harvey finally opened up to her. She was torn not know what's wrong with him. And he was terrible at hiding his pain.

"I'm his Bliss and he's my Whib," she smirked

"Don't tell me W.H.I.B stands for Wild Half Italian Breed," I gasped.

"It does," she whispered and we broke into fits of laughter.

Oh, God, that was hilarious.

Thank Raiden and Harvey that they closed the door after leaving because if it was open, I could have sworn my mother would have been up here telling us to tone it down.

We decided to get some homework done. Since Iris didn't have her books here, I let her borrow my economics textbook to read the lesson while I was working on my math homework.

"Raiden- I mean Archer opened up to me too," I suddenly whispered halfway through a problem.

"I can tell," she said looking up from the book "I can see how you two are all touchy lately. You guys can't seem to keep your hands off each other,"

I turn in a shade of red. The way she put the last part was insinuating a completely different thing.

"It's not like that," I said

"Then what's it like, Arianna? Even a blind can tell by the way you guys look at each other, that you guys are anything but just friends. Hell, he even defended you in front of your parents, he can't keep his hands off you for five seconds. And you like it, Arianna, don't deny it," She said "You like him, Arianna, what's stopping you? You like to get what you want, and yet, here you are not making a move on him, what's wrong?"

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