11 | New car

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Yesterday when I returned home, I found my mother and aunt watching daily soap on TV. Thankfully, they didn't notice something was wrong with me. And I was glad about that.

But my mom did question me why I didn't go running. I skip very rarely, and she knows that. And yesterday me not going running did make her suspicious that something was wrong.

I just made a lame excuse of me not feeling well, which was kind of true too since the painkillers made me sleepy, and having tons of school work to do.

I guess she only bought it because I told her a couple of days ago that exams are nearing. And she knows how serious I am with my grades. Not that she or anyone praise me for that.

It's like it doesn't matter if I get good grades or bad. No one reacts anyway when I have excellent grades or if I fail. Trust me, I've tried. One time I purposely failed in a test to get a reaction out of them, but nothing. Nada. Zilch. Res.

Anyway, one thing came out of yesterday, though. When my father and uncle returned home from work yesterday night, I asked them if they can buy me a car. I told them that I know they don't trust me behind a wheel but I told them I'll be careful.

After tons and tons of convincing, they finally said yes. And also said yes to not to buy me a hideous SUV, and I was grateful for that. But it's totally up to them what car they want to buy me.

I couldn't contain my excitement for it. They are finally giving me a car!!! I can't be more grateful for that. But along with that happiness, a little bit of anxiety and stress also came. What if they buy me a Volkswagen? or a Suzuki? For all I know, they could be buying me a Jeep!

No, they can't do that, can they? I told them what type of car I like. I told them what brands I like. But I also remember the disapproving look on my mother's face when I said that I like the thrill of the speed.

What if they give me a car which runs very slow?


I am stressing myself thinking more about it. My uncle said they'll deliver the car on Monday. If I'm lucky, I'll see my car parked in the driveway by the time I get back home from school.

I know thinking about it won't help a shit, but the problem is, I can't help it. The only way to quit thinking is by doing something extreme and which will make me think about the thing itself and not in the car.

But no can do...

Anyway, here I am turning off all of the things my physics teacher is saying. I try to concentrate, but I can't. My mind drifts back to the car.

I've spent my whole day like this.

As if to save me from my thoughts, the bell rings and I immediately ran out of the class to the locker room and change into a pair of gym shorts. Only one hour more, and I can be relieved.

Once I have safely locked my belongings in the locker, I hurry out of the room only to bump into someone. Harvey, to be specific.

"Why the rush, girl?" he asked holding me by arms so I wouldn't lose my balance.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I don't know, maybe I'm looking forward to this class?" I shrugged

"Uh-uh, AJ, you are on the bench today, we wouldn't want your legs to disfunction more now, do we?" He was about to pick me up, but I took a step back.

"Nope, I'm completely fine. Though I skipped today's morning routine. And the painkillers seem to do their work just fine, so, I'm good to go, Harvey. Thank you for your concern," I gave him the best smile I could come up with right now with all of those things going on in my head.

I walked past him and made my way to the gym the teacher hasn't arrived yet so, people were either talking or stretching or warming up. I decided to stretch my muscles a little, give my condition.

Soon, Ms. Rhodes enters the classroom and tells us to pair up into the groups of two. A girl named Caroline asked me to pair with her, and I said yes. I knew there was no way to get out of this. Very rarely, Mr. Rhodes makes us work in pairs, and when she does, we have no option but to do as she says. Or it directly affects our final grades, and it comes with a big humiliation in front of the whole class.

She made us do some drills before asking us to swap our partners again. This time, though, Harvey suited himself and more like ordered me that I am working with him. I had no problem, now that he knew about me. There was no point in hiding it, then.

And I could learn a thing or two. Works in my favor anyway.

By the end of the class, I learned a new dribbling skill in basketball, but it wasn't perfect and smooth, so I knew I had to work on it.

Nothing happened with Harvey while we were working together, but I noticed he was cautious when it came to me using more my legs. Even after I assured him I was alright.

He offered me a ride home, and I gladly accepted it because I was eager to get home. I told him to drop me off a few houses back since I didn't want my moms to know about it. Yes, moms. My aunt is like my second mother, just as my uncle is my second father.

I ran off to my house after receiving a weird look from Harvey, but I ignored him. I stop dead in my tracks after taking in the view in front of me.

It seems so unreal.

They couldn't have bought me this car...

It can't be.

Holy shit

* * *

what car do you think it is?

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