"Nonsense. We wouldn't be moving forward if I did nothing at all in the hospital and waited for my discharge. And besides, the next phase will not require me too much of my energy, I know that much," you say confidently.

"You talk as if you could have beat the girls single-handedly," the doctor joked.

You looked at the doctor with an unreadable expression and the began to walk towards the exit of the auditorium. "This may be too cliché but," you looked back to the doctor and Principal Nezu again before you could open the door of the exit.

"Never judge a person when you don't even know what they went through."


You sighed in relief feeling quite satisfied with the outcome of the announcements. However, your mind suddenly flashed of your classmates' faces when they found out one of the girls who attacked you. You frowned at that, still a bit shocked that Axel and Suzu were willing to openly beat up someone, and what surprised you the most was Kai's stoic expression.

You kneaded your temples with your knuckles as a slight headache rolled in. You were used to stopping Kai from fighting other people, but Axel and Suzu? Now that was something that would never cross your mind. Though now that you think about it, you did say to Principal Nezu about your class' overall change in one year. Maybe you need to check with your classmates again.

You sighed again, but without accidentally bumping into someone's back afterwards. You backed off from the person and muttered an apology and quickly bowed. However, during your bow you managed to bump into the person again and snapped your head back to hold it in pain. They too have also bowed down at the same time as they apologized in return.

You could hear the other person saying 'ow' before they stopped talking altogether. A silence coated both of you and realized you bumped into the boy who you wanted to avoid during your first breakfast in the Heights Alliance.

His messy hair pointed in all sorts of direction as he embarrassingly muttered another sorry to you while rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes even started to drift off from your eye contact as time progress.

'What a weird fellow,' you concluded.

You decided not to say anything and just watched what he would do. You know him, but you forgot what his name was. You pouted a little with your lack of remembrance, yet his green colours made him memorable in your mind. You snapped out of your stare when he tilted his head to the side in curiosity.

"A-are you alright (L/n)-san?"

You slowly nodded your head, now finally being able to see his green emerald eyes again.

"Yes, I also apologize for not looking where I was going," you replied.

You continued to stare at him, noticing he was oddly quiet for such a brief conversation. 'Geez, is he having an inner dialogue or something?'

Narrator POV

Midoriya internally shook in embarrassment as his train of thoughts ran at maximum speed.

'AAH! What do you say next in this situation?! Is she waiting for me? Is she mad? I'm so stupid for bumping her head when she's already injured!'

And as animated as he is, a light bulb lit as an idea occurred to him. Though what he pictured in his head did not go as planned as his voice betrayed him.

"oh, well, um, you see, um, you're injured and I just bumped your head, um, I should take you to the clinic just in case?"

(Y/n) widened her eyes a little as Midoriya practically squeaked in front of her. 'How can someone be insanely awkward and cute at the same time?' she thought. Though she honestly felt bad that she could not remember his name.

'Did he ever introduce himself?' she questioned.

From Midoriya's perspective, (Y/n)'s silence scared him. 'Maybe I should have not asked that? Maybe she's still stressed from the recent announcements?' Unknown to him, he practically muttered whatever came to his mind, and (Y/n) could hear all of it. And for the first time ever, (Y/n) struggled to keep her mouth from curving upwards.


She immediately frowned and instantly threw away the build-up of the feelings that accumulated.

'What was that?'

Midoriya, on the other hand, stopped muttering and visibly sweatdropped at the now-angry demeanour (Y/n) displayed. Yet, it vanished once again with a reply.

"Thank you, I am... sort of feeling weird right now," (Y/n) slowly replied.

Midoriya's eyes brightened even with her weird reply, "well then! Let's go?"

(Y/n) stared at him weirdly, 'he smiles too much,' she noted. Yet, she began to follow closely behind him towards Recovery Girls' office. She stared at the back of his head, finding herself just trailing her left eye with the flow of his hair. It made her wonder why the boy even has the guts to talk to her in the first place, did she not just declare her warnings to everybody? So why? Is he not scared of her? She silently pouted again as more questions kept popping up in her head. And that's when Midoriya took the chance to look back at her and just stare in awe.

(Y/n) bumped into Midoriya's back again. Getting a bit tired of the cliché mishaps that has been happening with her and the boy, she mumbled an apology again, then looked at his face.

"Sorry for not remembering, but what's your name again?" she asked earnestly.

Midoriya gulped, "c-cu...."

"cu?" (Y/n) tilted her head. "Your name is cu?"

Midoriya blushed bright pink, "NO! um, well, I'm Midoriya Izuku!"

"Cu and Midoriya Izuku? Maybe it should be me taking you to the nurse's office. You almost forgot your name," (Y/n) pointed out.

"Eh!? Er, well that's... I didn't know you tease a lot," Midoriya finally mumbled.


                            (◕‸ ◕✿) *pout*

A/N: Hello! Hope you like my take on a cute moment like this! If anyone is curious why I was gone for so long, please scroll down and read my 2nd A/N :D

2nd A/N: I'm back! After 3 weeks of nonstop planning about life, I finally have time to publish! For anyone still with me on this story, thank you for sticking around still! you the best!! \(*T▽T*)/<3 My new publishing schedule will now depend on my workload every week. So, believe it or not I have an exam every week on Wednesdays (I'm in an intensive program :D) And that's only one part of my new schedule! I won't tell you everything I'm doing lol but I will tell you all this! I will definitely try to publish one chapter per week. It hurts me to not have time to even write as many chapters as I wanted to like before, so I apologize if my new schedule will shock my og readers ಥ﹏ಥ trust me, I hella wanted to plan the next part so bad but my textbooks were just calling me. Anyways, I might as well tell you a little bit of my plan for this book since you've read this far already (o≧∇≦)o I am planning a fight choreography and my goodness it is HARD. (Just a lil' sneak peek for the next punishment!          三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ) Oh and if any of you have questions, go ahead and comment! Alrighty, cya on the next one! And thank you again for reading this far! <3

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