Chapter 13: He Wakes

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"I can't believe they're letting Ben leave before me," I pouted. Tommy was sitting on the couch.

"Well, he didn't crack his ribs. You did," he commented.

Mark was with Ben, helping him, in a wheelchair, get home. Ben stopped by to say 'hey' and sign each others' casts before he left.

"I'm fine!" I screamed.

"You don't have a bra on," Tommy added.


I got really hot from sitting here all day, so they let me take the gown off. I was reduced to the bandages covering my chest, a pair of shorts, and the cast for my ankle.

"Also, you can't use crutches," Tommy pointed out.

"I can use a wheelchair," I retaliated.

"But not for long. They said that you can't do too much until your ribs heal a little more."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious. Don't you have school?" I asked.

"Lins, it's Sunday. You've only been here for two days. You are driving yourself insane," Tommy said. Now he sounds like a therapist.

I sighed. I still have to be here for another week, according to the doctor. I can't have my phone until tomorrow, either. Although I don't know why.

After Tommy promised to bring me my homework and be here right after practice, he left.

I decided to flip through channels to pass the time. According to the clock, it's already eight p.m.

Nothing good is on. Why now? Because I'm in a stupid hospital with no one to talk to or nothing to do.

I'm so restless. I've spent the last two days sleeping. I'm so full of energy.

I decided to complain to someone.


Tommy replied immeadietly.

T-Why so sad?

L-I'm lonely.

T-Ask a nurse if you can see Daniel.

L-Good idea. Brb.

I pushed the little button on the side of the bed so a nurse would come. A worried woman in scrubs sped in.

"What's wrong, dear?" She asked.

"I want to see Daniel," I pouted, sticking out my bottom lip.

"The doctors plan on waking him. Would you like to be there for it?" She asked.

"Can some of my friends come?"

"Sure, hun. Not too many, just two or three. We don't want to overwhelm him."

I pulled out my phone and texted Ben, Mark, and Tommy.

L-They're waking him soon. Come asap.

They all responded saying they were coming. I took my sweater off of the table and threw it on. My bandages showed through the unzipped jacket.

The nurse helped me into the wheelchair. Then she pushed me to Daniel's room.

The door to his room was shut. Every once in a while, a doctor would go in or out.

"They're just getting him ready, dear," the nurse said, patting my shoulder reassuringly.

We waited outside of the door. I stared at the clock for a few minutes before the other boys got here. They waited with us, also watching the clock.

It seemed like now, more doctors were leaving than coming in. After a few minutes of doctors leaving, one came out and spoke to us.

"We just disconnected the medication keeping Mr. Walker unconcious. That means he will be waking up anytime in the next few minutes to the next few hours," he said.

I didn't know when the nurse left, but she did. Mark wheeled me in, and stopped me just next to his bed. I held Daniel's hand in mine.

Man, I still have that stupid IV in.

The three boys sat down on the couch. We were silent, awaiting the moment when Daniel would wake up.

It seemed to take hours. But when I looked at the clock, it was still only 8:45. I looked back over at Daniel.

His eyes fluttered open. His hand squeezed mine. Then he let out a groan.

"Danny!" I said, joy filling my voice.

"Lindsey Adams? What are you doing here? Why am I here?"

My heart sunk.

"Daniel, what do you remember?" Ben asked, coming behind me.

"Um, didn't I graduate 8th grade last night?" He asked.

I started crying. There was nothing I could do to stop myself.

"Daniel, you are a sophmore in high school. It's May 3rd. On Friday, you were in a car accident," Ben said.

"So I don't remember any of the last two years?"

"Apparently not," Ben replied, sighing.

"Lindsey? Are you alright?" Daniel asked.

"Well, since you don't remember any of that, you definetly don't remember anything about us," I tried. It sounded stupid and my voice was shaking, but I couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry," he said, "were you in the car too?"

I nodded, looking down at the bandages. I pulled the sides of my sweatshirt away so he could see.

"Shit, I wasn't driving, right?"

I shook my head. Relief washed over him. At least he knows that it wasn't his fault.

"I was driving," Ben said slowly, "but we were hit by a drunk driver. You got the worst."


I kept crying. Nobody payed any more attention to me, thankfully. Daniel doesn't remember our relationship. None of it.

"I'm sorry I can't remember much. I'll try as hard as I can," Daniel said. He reached over and patted my shoulder.

"C-can I go back to my room?" I asked Mark. He nodded, said goodbye to the boys, and wheeled me back.

Mark helped me back into my bed, and tucked me in. He even gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Night, little sis. I'll be here tomorrow after practice," he said. And with that, I was alone.

Alone. I could cry all I wanted and no one would hear.

At least Daniel is alive. Maybe we can start over. I sure hope so.

I've published a lot of new chapters lately, but it's only to keep myself on schedule. I really want some feedback so I can finish it faster. Please? Anything would help😊

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