Chapter Six: He Raped my Sister

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The boys came back out after getting dressed. Then I helped them warm up.

During the game, I sat in the duggout and kept stats for the boys.

We won 3-1. I made eye contact with Davidson after the game was over, and he fixed his hair. Laughing, I went out with the boys for a celebratory dessert from McDonalds, since we all already ate.

I got a caramel frappé. "White girl," Daniel said, sitting next to be in the booth.

"White kid," I replied, eyeing his ice cream cone.

"I know that look," Daniel said, reading my expression.

"One lick?"

"Fine, but only because you're Lindsey."

"Yay!" I screamed, taking a lick of his ice cream. Then he reached over and took a drink of my frappé.

"Gross, is there coffee in this?"

"Yeah, McDonalds puts some in frappés, but nowhere else does."

The rest of the boys joined us, and we talked about the game. Then I gave them each their papers of what they wanted me to keep track of. Mark wanted strikes and balls, Ben wanted outs, since he plays first base.

After we finished, Ben offered to give me a ride home, since he lived only a minute from me. But we both lived fifteen minutes from the school.

"So what's so bad about this Davidson guy?" I asked.

"He raped my older sister," Ben blurted.

My mouth formed an "o" shape, and I remained silent.

"And now, you're like my little sister. I don't even want him to look at you."

"Oh, I see. How fab did I look slapping him across the face?" I asked, trying to rid of some of the tension that had settled.

"That was great. I'm glad you did. Hopefully that guy won't be messing with you."

The rest of the ride was silent. He pulled into my driveway, I said thank you, and went inside. Fortunately, I didn't have any homework.

My bed was screaming, "Come here, dear," so of course, I layed down, and went to sleep.

Tonight, the boys have an away game. As promised, I wore Tommy's jersey to school. Then I waited around with them afterschool for the bus.

"That jersey looks sexy on you," Tommy said, first to get out of the locker room.

"Such a tool, Tom," Zack said, coming out behind him.

The boys came filing out from the locker room, and onto the bus. JV and Freshmen don't have a game today, thank God. We get the whole bus to ourselves.

I sat somewhere in the middle. Next to me was Daniel, behind me was Mark, and in front of me was Tommy.

"Ready for the game?" I asked them.

"That's a stupid question," Mark said, "because we are gonna kick some Cardinal ass tonight!"

The guys all cheered. I looked up at the coach. He pretended that he didn't hear the naughty word.

"So, Lindsey, what are your weekend plans?" Daniel asked.

"Nothing yet, why?"

"I was hoping you could make cookies. Actually, the whole team was. For the cook out at Mark's, of course," he replied.

I forgot about going to Mark's house on Saturday. It's a team party.

"Sure, I don't see why not."

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