Two: Go Shag Balls

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Well, I never got to my short story. On Friday, I went home, took a nap, woke up at one in the morning, and went back to sleep.

On Saturday, my cousins came over, and I played with my baby cousin.

On Sunday, I went to church, then to the apple orchard to get donuts. I went home and ate the donuts, then showered. I did my spanish homework really quickly, chose my outfit for tomorrow, listened to some music, and went to sleep.

On Monday, I woke up refreshed. It felt great. I wasn't tired, for once. Maybe all that laziness payed off.

The whole dang week was really boring, though. I'd rather not go over it again, since it would sound like I went to class. The bell rung. I went to the next class. Honestly.

And on the weekend, I binge watched some shows. I don't even remember any of it.

Yay, another Monday. At least next Monday, tryouts start.

More and more people stared at me. Not just the older boys, but I recieved a lot of death stares from sophmore girls.

Instead of letting it get to me, I shrugged, and kept walking. At lunch, a guy came to our table.

"Hey, Lindsey."


The guy is John Greg, a junior. He was on varsity as a sophmore last year. It's no doubt that he'll be on it this year. John's really good.

"So tryouts start next week. I'm going to warn you a little bit. As freshmen, the boys always gawk and worship the manager. At JV, they ignore her. But at varsity, they treat her like a little sister. So don't expect to date any of them. And don't expect to date anyone. Probably as long as one of us is here. So, just a heads up, watch out."

"Thanks," I replied, and John walked away.

John is a really cool dude, and always honest, so of course I believed him. Little sister? Hm.

I don't need any big brothers, but I do wish I had a brother. All I have are two annoying little sisters.

I just hope someone asks me to prom. I want to go so bad, it's just I need someone to go with and I need to go dress shopping. But I'm not going shopping until I have a date. Besides, prom isn't until closer to the end of the school year. May 30th, I think.

I finished my meal in silence, listening to my friends talk. They wanted to hang out this weekend, but I told them I have family plans.

So the one weekend I don't have anything going on, I don't want to hang out with my friends. Life can be really confusing.

When I have nothing to do on a weekend, I usually just sleep and do chores. It's pretty simple. My whole life is pretty simple. I guess I like it that way.

The next monday, the day tryouts start, I woke up and stretched. Luckily, ny hair wasn't a mess so it didn't take much effort to make it look alright.

I threw on a pair of flares and a sweatshirt. It's supposed to be a little chilly today. Then again, it's April. Of course it's still cold.

In Algebra ll, we have a worksheet to finish. Then in Spanish, I have a worksheet also. Finally, I have a biology lab that I need to fill some answers in for.

When the final bell rang, I gathered all my homework and treaded to Mr. James's room, unsure of where to go.

Mr. James was locking up his classroom when I reached his door.

"Hello, Ms. Adams. Ready for the season to start?" He asked.

"Yes I am. So where do we meet everyday?"

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