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Wednesday passed quietly, keeping Linda in a blur. She only saw Danny in science that day, and didn't have a chance to talk to him. The rest of the day went by with nothing exciting to report to anyone. If Linda knew what Thursday would bring, she would want to go back to Wednesday—Wednesday when things weren't so complicated or utterly confusing.
Third period Thursday found Linda with a free period. She loved the free periods, as she could get some reading and homework done, talk to some friends, and generally relax. This free period found her in the library.
Linda looked up, "AJ! What're you doing here?" She whispered loudly.
"I need to talk to you."
"AJ, if it's about Danny, I really am—"
"It's not. Well, not really. I've been thinkin'. What's a kiss among friends?"
"..... huh?"
"So you kissed Danny. So what? It's not like you had sex with him. I'm willing to look past the momentary lapse of judgment."
"So here's my proposition: I say we forget it ever happened. A kiss is just a kiss, right? Let's forget and be boyfriend/girlfriend again."
"AJ, I-"
The bell rang, and the blonde boy stood up. "Good. I'll see you at lunch."
Linda watched him leave, her mouth opened and her brow creased. She gathered her things and went to her locker. Things just got way more complicated!
Danny frowned for the umpteenth time as he sat in the eye doctor's office. He had gone to the doctor on Wednesday, who told him he did in fact have a concussion. Danny was excused from all sports or anything that would put him under stress. He argued that going to school put him under too much stress. His mother told him he was ridiculous, and made him go anyways. "Their Music is so boring."
"Danny," Mary sighed. "Just wait a few more minutes."
"Shoulda bought my Walkman..."
It felt like hours, even though it was only two minutes, when the doctor called Danny's name. He got up with an exasperated finally! and followed his mother into the room.
The doctor checked his vision, talked about what some things meant, then told him his fate.
"Yeah, I kinda figured that." Danny answered with a small smirk.
"Erin, where's Danny?" Linda asked as they stood in line for lunch.
"Lucky bastard gets lunch out. He had an eye appointment. Mom's taking him to a Burger King or McDonald's. Anywhere's better than this glop." Erin wrinkled her nose as potato matter was plopped onto her tray. The friends sat at their usual spot, and chatted for a while about their respective boyfriends.
AJ came up to Linda, "can I talk to you? Alone?"
"Sure." She followed him to a vacant table. "What's up?"
"Remember What I said earlier? About wanting you back?"
"Yeah. But I don't-"
"Let's just pretend none of that stuff happened with Danny. Okay?"
"AJ, I really think-"
"Great. See you for a double date with Laura and Remington?"
"Okay, but-"
"Great! I'll see you tomorrow."
Linda sighed as she watched AJ leave. She was with him again.... sort of. She looked to her friends, then thought of Danny. She and he were just friends- more than friends, but she didn't know how much more. She shook her head, not knowing her life was about to get even more complicated.

Taking The Queen's King Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora