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The weekend passed quietly, Linda and Danny both conflicted. Linda didn't know if she liked Danny or AJ. She liked AJ because he was kind, cared about his grades, treated everyone well, and the fact that he was adorable didn't do anything to hurt his case. Danny, on the other hand... she barely knew him. She knew he was funny, a troublemaker, a little rebellious, idiotic for dating Marianne... he was much more attractive than AJ, and, even though Linda knew looks were far down on the list, she couldn't help but want to know Danny better.
As usual, Monday slugged by; Linda put her chin in her hand during chemistry, looking out the window. It was starting to get nippy outside, but with a light sweater and no wind blowing, it was very nice. The sun shone on the grass and through the windows, getting Linda's face.
Mrs. McCartney looked to the blonde, noticing her scrunched up eyes. "If the sun is bothering you, Miss O'Shea, we can close the blinds."
"Oh, no, that's okay, Mrs. McCartney." She smiled as she talked, "I love the sun."
Danny smiled, stealing a glance at her. She sort of sounded like his Mom when she answered. He watched as Linda played with her earring, silently reading the text. He noticed her hair wasn't just blonde. It was a beautiful shade of New York wheat blonde with beautifully layered golden blonde low lights with platinum blonde highlights. Of course, he really didn't have any idea what New York wheat blonde actually looked like, but he was convinced that was the color of her short hair. He noted how it had grown since the beginning of the year. It hadn't grown a whole lot, and he wondered how it would look cascading down her shoulders. He didn't know that she'd come to like "edgy" hairstyles, her hair being shorter than her shoulders almost all the time.
Linda looked out the window again. She wished she was lying on a picnic blanket, bathing in the sunlight. As long as she was daydreaming, she wanted Danny there, too. Both of them lying on the blanket, looking at clouds, discussing silly things. She looked to him, wanting to run her fingers through his curly hair. Actually, she just wanted to run her fingers through every guy's thick hair- Danny's, AJ's, Remington's.... she snapped out of her thoughts when the bell rang loudly.
"Don't forget your complete your study guides. I want to see them nearly organized on my desk tomorrow," Mrs. McCartney said over the students made gathering their books.
Linda's pencil bag was opened on the edge of her desk. As she tucked a piece of paper in her book, Jackie purposely knocked the bag over and continued to walk. The blonde only stared before groaning and dropping to the ground.
"Oh, lemme help you with that," Danny got on the ground, picking up her pencils and pens.
She smiled as she held the small bag opened, "thanks."
"Don't mention it," they walked out of class together, going to their respective lockers.
Linda put her things away, and grabbed her lunch. Monday's were always Mystery Meat Monday; having been forewarned about the 'meat', she had gotten into the habit of throwing a sandwich together in the morning.
"Still planning on tutoring Joe tomorrow?" Danny wondered, falling in step with her.
"Unless one of us is sick. I think he'll be able to figure it out once I get him going. He's a smart kid, y'know."
"Yeah, I know."
She smiled as saw Laura, "oh, there's Laura. I'm gonna catch up with her. Talk to you later?"
It was his turn to smile, "sure."
Linda turned to Laura, who had been watching the interaction. He is sooo cute! She whispered, walking up to the light-haired brunette.

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