That's Enough Physics

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A/n apparently, I like writing insanely long books. Chapter forty three already, and we haven't even gotten to the climax. Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Linda wasn't paying that much attention as Joe and Maggie worked their physics homework. She kept thinking about what Danny had said. I can't do that, cause what I wanna do is illegal in New York, and she won't do it with me. He had said she was named Rose, but Linda had the feeling he was talking about her. She was confused; she had been dating AJ for about three months now. She loved him, didn't she? She certainly thought she did, until Danny said something that had multiple subtexts, and she got confused all over again. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard two moans. She looked at her 'students', seeing them both frustrated. "Y'know What?"
"What?" Joe repeated with no emotion in his voice.
"I think that's enough physics for today."
"Really?" Maggie wondered hopefully.
"Mhmm. Grab your coats; we're going to get some fresh air."
Danny was trying his best to pay attention to the text he was reading. It was hard to do when there was a blonde beauty a floor away. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of the picture in his mind. All he could see was that burning blush on Linda's face, and that sexy smirk she gave him over the weekend, and that accentuated walk she had done in order to bug him. She was playing him, and he knew it. She was good at it; she knew the right buttons to push, the right knobs to twist.
Danny stood in front of his window, looking at the snow covered world. He wondered if he was playing Linda just as much; he made a lot of double entendres, and he knew he shamelessly flirted with her. What am I even doing with Marianne anyways?
The laughing coming from the yard pulled him out of his thoughts. He saw Maggie, Joe, Linda, and Jamie playing in the snow. He smiled and went to his sister's room. "Wanna take a break from torture?"
"Releasing our inner childs."
Erin furrowed her brow, but followed him anyway. She walked down the stairs and accepted the coat he handed her. She followed him into the cold air, and around the back of the house.
"Mind if two more join in?" Danny called to them.
"The more the merrier!" Linda smiled widely, almost losing her footing.
Inside, Mary was looking for her children. She knew Joe and Jamie were outside with Linda and Maggie, but she didn't know where her oldest two had gone. She casually glanced out the kitchen window, and saw all four of her children playing in the snow. She watched as Linda balled up snow, and threw it at her oldest son.
"Oh!" Danny brushed the snow of. "You're dead! You're so dead!"
She stuck her tongue out at him, and ran towards the fence.
"And he says he doesn't love her," Joe smiled at Maggie.
"He's blind."
"Tell me about it."
Linda laughed out loud when Danny wrapped his arms around her, catching her. "Gotcha!"
She squirmed in his grip, "okay, okay! You got me!"
He released her, and she turned around, facing him. He smiled at her; her always perfect hair was messy, her cheeks and nose rosy, her smile wide.
Linda laughed, her breath freezing in the cold air. Her laughter slowly dissipated, her smile slowly faded. She ran a gloved hand through her locks, making the hairs fly away even more. Her heart stood still as she stood an arm's length away from her crush.
Danny's smile faded as well, his rosy cheeks growing hot. He felt something stirring inside him, and it made him feel disconcerted. He was trapped in the moment, staring at the beauty. He only snapped out of the eternal minute when a snowball hit his back. He turned around and saw Erin holding Jamie's hand. "You're gonna get it!"
The game resumed, both teenagers feeling like they didn't need their coats anymore.

I know Amy/Linda looks a little older than Donnie/Danny, but that's because I can't find any pics of Amy before the early/mid nineties....
I need to stop explaining my reasoning to you guys 😂😂😂

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