Principal's Office

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Linda, Danny, and LaRue sat in the plastic chairs of the principal's office. Linda held a cup of water and a box of tissues, crying over how LaRue stuck his hand up her skirt. LaRue, still in pain from Danny's strong punches and kicks, sat straight up with a bloody tissue over his nose and ice on his knee. Danny sat slumped in the chair, legs lazily apart, hands folded, and elbows resting on the arm rests of the chair. He had blood coming from the gash on his forehead, his left eye bruised, and his lip split. Both boys were wet from wrestling in the snow.
Danny stole a glance at Linda, who looked so scared, making his heart break in two for his soon to be very good friend.
"Really, Danny? You couldn't have waited an hour to get in trouble?" A lady with soft brown hair came in, looking a bit frazzled.
Danny tilted his head over the top of the chair. "Oh, hi, Ma."
She carried a toddler on her hip, "I had to get Jamie from preschool early because of this!..... What happened?"
"The principal's waiting for Mrs. O'Shea and Mrs. Weenie-crat. He'll tell you then."
"Did you punch that kid?" Mary pointed to LaRue.
"He deserved it."
"Hey, I shouldn't even be here! I was just defending the lady from dickless over here."
The mother looked at her son, "could you possibly be any more interested?" She wondered, referring to his body language.
"No. I shouldn't be here. I did the right thing," Danny reiterated. "I did what you and Dad taught me to do: I defended a lady's honor. I should get a metal or a stake dinner or something."
Another lady came in, and Linda guessed it was LaRue's Mom.
"You want I should knight you?"
"I'd rather have a steak dinner."
"How can you be sarcastic like that?" LaRue finally spoke up. "You punched me and kicked me for no reason! I need all this stuff," he gestured to all of himself. His mother looked at him, then Danny, slowly figuring out what happened.
"What are you? God's gift to man?" He wondered sarcastically.
"I hope He kept the receipt..." Linda spoke up, earning laughter from Danny.
"That's good!" The Reagan praised, pointing to her. "But what's not good is the fact that you tried to rape this young lady right here." He pointed to Linda, seeing his mom's face scrunch up in disgust.
She turned to Linda, "are you okay, sweetie?"
The blonde only shook her head, and took another sip of the water. She was still shaken, and scared that her mother would have a fit. A few minutes later, Anna came in and sat next to her daughter.
"Can anyone tell me what happened?" Principal Mazor wondered, looking at the students. "Mr. Reagan?"
"I was just trying to find Joey, because the escape artist struck again. Then I see dickless here," he jabbed his thumb at LaRue, "hovering over Linda. She looked very uncomfortable, so I yanked dickless off her. And I punched him."
"Miss O'Shea, is this true?"
"Yes," Linda sniffed, looking at LaRue, "this guy had no dick."
Danny laughed out loud, "she's got'cha there, Tommy!" He hit the boy on the shoulder.
"What's a dick?" Little Jamie looked at his mother.
Mary put her hand on his head, "Shh, the grownups are talking now."
"Mr. LaRue, what's your account?"
"I was just trying to be friendly-"
"Friendly?" Linda repeated, anger boiling inside her. "That is not friendly! Friendly is saying, 'hi. I'm Linda. I've seen ya around'. Then strike up a conversation! Friendly is not using sleazy pick up lines from the seventies, backing me against the wall, then sticking your hand up my skirt!"
"He did what?!" Anna raised her eyebrows.

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