The Test

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The first Monday back from winter break found all the students gathered in the auditorium for an important announcement.
"Good morning, students," Principal Mazor greeted into the microphone. "Due to some... recent development, all of you will need to take a test. You will not be graded, so don't worry. Groups of two to three students will come to the office to take the tests. My assistant, Miss Olsen, will come to get you."
"I wonder what test it is?" Linda whispered to Laura.
"Probably something stupid. Like testing our eyesight or whatever."
"You are dismissed," Mazor walked off the stage.
"I bet we're all deemed certifiable," Valeria told Linda as they walked out.
"I definitely am." She mumbled, rolling her eyes.
"Okay," the psychiatrist, Dr. Neuwirth, held up a photo. "What do you see, Mr. Steele?"
Remington looked at the fellow classmates before answering. "I see two people having a conversation."
"Excellent! Tell me a story about them."
He heard a groan from one of the other students, "Uh.... the girl, Stephanie, doesn't want to date the guy, Pierce. She's conflicted because she thinks it'll interfere with their work. Pierce agrees, but they still mix business with pleasure."
"Very good! What do you see, Donnie?" She looked to the student leaning back in the chair.
"It's Danny," he put all four legs of the chair on the ground.
"I'm sorry. Danny could you tell us what you see?"
Danny looked at the picture. "A rainbow pony."
Dr. Neuwrith frowned as the other two students chuckled. "It's a picture of people."
"Oh, I know it's a picture of people. But you asked what I see. And I can clearly see a rainbow pony."
She frowned, "Tell me a story about the people."
"The female is mad at the male because all he sees are rainbow ponies, and she wants to be pinned to a wall and have the breath sucked outta her."
She blinked, frowned, and turned to the next student.
Before lunch, Dr. Neuwrith had just about had it. The stories the students came up with mail to shocked and displeased her. She hoped The group of girls in front of her would do better.
Linda sighed as she looked at the posters on the walls. They all shouted for the students to do their best, read books, study more. The blonde didn't listen to the student before her.
"Linda, what do you see?"
Linda, hating everything about the test, decided to be annoying. "Let's see.... I see..." what she initially saw was an odd looking chair, but very quickly afterwards she saw something decidedly dirty. "Why, Dr. Neuwirth! These tests are dirty!"
"They.... are?" She looked at the image, only seeing the disfigured chair.
"You've got somebody down on their knees!"
"I— do..?"
"Oh yeah. By the looks of it, the guy just found his happy place."
The other girl laughed, "that's true, Doctor! I see it, too!"
"Oh... dear."
Linda smirked at the girl as Dr. Neuwirth stood and walked out quickly.
"My guess is you've done this before?"
"No. But it looks like a blow job, see?" Linda picked the card up and showed it to the girl.
"I know. I think so, too... I'm Jane, by the way."
"I heard. Linda," she smiled and shook the girl's hand.
"We're probably going to end up in some special class."

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