Like A Female Rain Man!

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"Hey, freak!" Maryanne walked up to the blonde girl. "I better not see you hanging around any of my friends."
"Your friends?" Linda opened her locker, "is that what you call the people who hang around you? I wouldn't be caught dead socializing with you."
"Let's keep it that way." She spun on her heel and walked away, her curls bouncing.
Linda frowned as she put her books into her bag. She swung her bag over her shoulder and walked to Maria's locker. "Tell me something. Has Maryanne been a bitch her whole life, or is that more of a recent thing?"
Maria laughed out loud, "my guess is all her life. I haven't known her all that long. Only a year."
They started walking outside, "do you think she's really bitchy, or does she crave attention?"
"Both! Look, Maryanne is probably the worst female to walk the planet... you know how after praying mantises mate, the female eats the male?"
"Uh huh."
"Maryanne's like that. She plays with the boys, she eats the boys, then she throws them up into the 'Pool of Marianne's Exes'."
"So what do boys see in her? Espe-"
Maria stopped, "especially Erin's brother?"
"Uh, yeah." Linda pushed her hair behind her ear, looking to the ground.
An ohhh! I get it smile spread across the Latina's face. "Knowing him? He's probably in it for the sex."
She nodded, heading over to her other friends, Maria right behind her. "Hey, what're we looking at?"
"Shirtless boys," Val answered, arms crossed.
"Boys?" The blonde scanned the small crowd of boys who were playing catch with an old football. "Who's the cute one with the tattoo on his upper arm?"
Erin looked for the boy. "Ugh. My idiot brother."
"Danny?" Linda steppes forward, craning her neck.
Fran stood with her hands on her hips, "am I the only one hearing 'Theme To A Summer's Place'?"
Linda hit her on the arm, "shut up, Fran."
"All I'm saying is that you're gonna get no where with that boy."
"Fran's right, Linda. The numb-nuts 'loves' Maryanne." Erin rolled her eyes.
"No he doesn't. He just wants the action." She walked a little bit closer.
"Oh, gross! Uh uh, I don't wanna hear that!" The brunette shook her head.
"Huh?" She finally turned around. "Did you say something?" A hard object hit the back of her head, "ow!" She turned around, "hey!"
"Sorry!" The boy yelled, jogging over. His chest rose and fell, his body glistened in sweat. "It's not that wise to stand close to the field. Just sayin'."
Linda only nodded, a dumb expression on her face.
"Hey. Wait a minute. I know you."
"You do?"
"Yeah. You ran into me during lunch."
"Oh, right, yeah. Uh," she looked to the ground, blushing under the boy's gaze. "Sorry 'bout that."
"No worries. I'm Danny, by the way." He threw the ball back to his friends. "I see that you made friends with my sister."
"The tall brunette?"
"Oh." She nodded, wrinkling her brow.
"So... what's your name?"
"My name? What's my name?" The blonde wondered, cluelessly in a daze.
"Linda," Erin came walking up to them.
"That's my name."
"Danny, this is my friend, Linda. Linda, this is my boneheaded brother, Danny."
Linda smiled at him, and somewhat laughed. "Hi."
"Hey. Again." Danny smiled back.
"Come on, brother. We gotta find Joe and pick up Jamie," Erin jabbed her thumb over her shoulder.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot about the kid."
"Bye, girls! See y'all tomorrow!" Erin waved to her friends.
"Danny Reagan?" Wendy wondered, closing the fridge with her foot. "I know him. Well, I know of him. He's cute!" She sat down across her sister, placing her dinner and drink on the table.
"Yeah, exactly! He's adorable, and there I was, staring at him like a female Rain Man!"
She watched her younger sister plop her head on the table. "You weren't Rain Man. Definitely, definitely not Rain Man." Wendy reassured her, sounding like Rain Man.
Linda lifted her, smiling a bit. "What base is it if you see a guy shirtless, but you've never touched him?"
".... in the dugout?"
Linda groaned and put her face in her hands.
Wendy chuckled, "cheer up, baby sis. There's plenty of fish in the sea."
"I don't want those fish. I want this fish."

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