Wrong Answers

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Friday didn't come fast enough for Linda. She was getting more and more excited about her makeover by the minute. She was also starting to notice boys staring at her, which, according to the master plan, was exactly what she wanted.
Linda turned around, "hey me?"
"Yeah. What's your name?" A tall, blonde haired guy asked, nodding at her.
"Linda. Why?"
"Are you aware of the fact that you make my pants tighter?"
Linda's eyes went wide, and she couldn't help glancing down quickly, just to see.
"Forget it, boy. She's Danny's." Valeria pushes the boy away.
The blonde giggled, "thanks, but I coulda handled him."
"Says the girl who peeked so she could be sure he wasn't lying?"
"Come on, Valeria! Lemme have some fun! At my old school, we wore uniforms. Plus, it was an all girls school. Lemme take pleasure in the fact that guys are hitting on me."
"But you'll knock 'em down, right?"
"Of course! I know my goal. Embarrass Marianne, get Danny. Easy peasy."
"I'm afraid it's not that easy. But we can totally do it..... what's your next class?"
"Math for me. Meet me at lunch?"
"Of course! We have to discuss my fabulous makeover!"
Valeria chuckled, "see ya."
"Bye." She started walking to chemistry, when she was met by George. "Oh, hi, George. Have you talked to Lorraine yet?"
"No, I just don't know what to say."
"Say something romantic, like.... uh... 'even the most precious gem cannot compare to your beauty'."
"Will that work?"
"Of course it'll work! I love that romantic crap!"
George raised his eyebrows, "I- I don't know. What if she says no? I don't think I could take that kinda rejection."
"Listen, George. I'm on my way to class, so I'll have to talk to you later. But talk to Marty during lunch. He looks like the Kinda guy who knows romantic stuff."
Linda could feel someone's stare burning the side of her head. Her cheeks flushed pink as she tried to steal a glance at who was staring at her.
What's your game now? What're you trying to prove?
"Mr. Reagan, can you explain about the Gay- Lussac?" The teacher, Mrs. McCartney, asked Danny.
"Uh.... a homosexual who hasn't gotten any action in a while?" He guessed, smiling his half smile.
The class laughed out loud, Mrs. McCartney silencing them with her pointer finger. "Miss O'Shea?"
"Gay-Lussac's law states that the pressure of a given mass of gas varies directly with the absolute temperature of the gas, when the volume is kept constant."
"Very good, Miss O'Shea." She looked to Danny, "do try to pay attention, Mr. Reagan."
Danny saw Linda's smirk as she looked in his direction. She is cute. Smart, too.
"Mr. Reagan, tell us why Gay-Lussac's law is limiting."
".... because.... he..... sssss... swings towards only one direction?" He finished quickly, supporting the same lopsided smile.
"One more answer like that, and you'll be sitting in detention." Mrs. McCartney fixed him with a glare as the students turned their laughs to coughs. "Miss O'Shea?"
"It's limiting cause it only applies to gases," Linda answered, not looking up from her notes.
Maybe that's why everyone knows him? Cause he answers questions like that?
Did we learn that? Danny wondered, looking at Linda again. Maybe. Or maybe she's just really smart. I bet she's smart. What's her name again? Lena? Leanne? Lyn? Lin... Linda! That's her name.

Shout out to Nemo89 who inspired the end of this chapter with her fabulous book Hurting & Healing

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