The Reactions

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"I don't want to see you down here until dinner," Mary scolded Danny. "No tv or anything fun until I decide what to do with you."
Danny rolled his eyes but trudged up the stairs. I shouldn't even be punished. I did the right thing. Out of habit, he slammed the door shut.
Mary sighed and ran a hand through her hair.
"What happened, Mom?" Joe wondered in a low voice.
"Danny got into a fight," Erin told him, watching Jamie head for the kitchen.
"Really? Cool! Why?"
"Because Tommy LaRue assaulted Linda."
"No, honey, he didn't-"
"Mom, Linda told. He stuck his hand up her skit, and felt around. That's assaulting."
The mother sighed, "yes, you're right. Just... go do your homework, okay? We'll deal with this later."
The children did as told, secretly wanting to hear the story from their grounded older brother.
An hour later, Mary heard sniffles as she prepared dinner. She followed the sound to beneath the sink, the right door slightly ajar. She knocked, then opened it, finding her youngest. "Jamie, sweetie, what's the matter?"
"Daddy's gonna kill Danny!" He wailed.
"No, he's not."
"Yes, he is, too!"
"No, he is not. Daddy's not gonna kill Danny. I promise you that, okay?"
Jamie sniffed and nodded, still scared of what his Daddy would do.
"Would you like some milk?"
He through for a minute, then nodded, his tears subsiding. "Choc'late?"
"Of course, baby. Do you wanna come out?"
He shook his head, "no."
Mary sighed but stood up. She made Jamie his milk, and went back to dinner.
"Linda, sweetie, it's okay," Anna was trying to get Linda to stop crying. She hadn't been able to calm her daughter down since the car ride home. "He can't hurt you anymore, I promise."
"But he- he c-can!" Linda sobbed, her tears streaming down her face like a river. She sobbed out her explanation, claiming that LaRue was loaded, so the school was just going to over look the fact that he had assaulted her. She cried about how rich people were bitches, and how she was thankful to Danny for saving her.
Jimmy, Linda's older brother, blissfully unaware of the events, walked into the kitchen. He saw his sister in tears, and his Mom comforting her. "What happened?"
"Oh, Jimmy, not now. Please?"
Jimmy sat down nonetheless. "Do you need anything?"
"No," the blonde choked out, trying to get enough breath in. She hugged herself and started rocking back and forth, muttering something.
"What? Honey, I can't hear you," Anna stated softly.
Suddenly, Linda stood up, babbled something and ran upstairs. Her door slamming could be heard from the kitchen, Jimmy looking to his mother.
"Well? What the hell happened? The last time she freaked like this was when her asshole boyfriend killed himself and Dad."
"A boy assaulted her today. It wasn't full-on rape, but he stuck his hand up her skirt and felt around."
"Was she wearing underwear?"
"Of course she was, Jimmy! She always wears underwear!"
Jimmy figured telling his Mom about his sister's very recent "bare adventures" wasn't the best idea at the moment. Maybe even never. He knew both his sisters forewent underwear sometimes, and, frankly, he couldn't care less.
"Why would you ask such a thing?"
"Because I know some girls who don't wear underwear. That's all."
Back upstairs, Linda curled into her covers and cried. She buried her face into her pillows, and let her sobs ring out. She clutched the fabric tightly, slowly realizing she couldn't breathe.

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