Let The Battle Begin

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"Can you believe it?" Marianne complained to her boyfriend and fellow minions.
"What?" Danny wondered, scoping the crowd for the pretty blonde girl. He wanted to thank her for helping his brother. Maybe I already thanked her? Doesn't matter. I can do it again.
"That trollop has a date!"
"Which trollop are we talkin' 'bout here?"
"The blonde bimbo. What's her face?"
"Linda?" Candy snapped her gum, clinging to her boyfriend, Thomas 'Tommy' LaRue.
"Is that her name?"
"The one that keeps insulting you? Yeah," Jackie nodded, eyeing Danny.
"What about Linda?" The Reagan wondered, not appreciating how Marianne called her a trollop.
"Weren't you listening?" The brunette gave her boyfriend a death glare. "I said she had a date!"
"A date? With who?" He hoped he didn't sound disappointed or anything along those lines.
"AJ Simon."
"The gay guy?!" Kate whispered loudly.
"No, you idiot. How many times do I have to tell you? AJ's not gay. It's Jon!"
"Marianne, quiet down, okay? I know Jon, and he doesn't want anyone to know, okay?" Danny lowered his voice. He may not be in favor of it, but he wasn't going to spill the secret.
"Oh, grow up!" She walked away, her posey following.
"Grow up? She's losing her touch." He turned around and bumped into someone, knocking them to the ground.
"Hey, watch it, du- du-"
"Dummy?" He smirked, and pulled the girl up in one swift move.
"Yeah." She dropped to her knees, gathering her books.
"Sorry I didn't see you," he helped her with her books, "my girlfriend's having a temporary lapse."
"Oh, so you mean she actually said something nice?"
Danny chuckled, walking the girl to her locker. "So she's not the nicest person."
"That's the understatement of the year!"
Why was he smiling? She was insulting the girl he supposedly loved.
"Seriously, Danny. What the hell do you see in her?"
"She's a little high maintenance."
"Excuse me while I laugh hysterically."
He rolled his eyes, deciding to change the subject. "I hear you've got a date with AJ Friday."
"Yeah, I do." Linda smiled, closing her locker softly. She swung her bag over her shoulder, and started to walk away. She stopped, turning back to Danny. "Listen, Danny. About what I just said.... I've got nothing against you. You seem really nice and funny- I'd like to be friends. But.... Marianne Romano? Seriously?"
"I don't know. It just.... happened."
"Happened? As in, two strangers, crowded room, Love was just a glance away, a warm embracing dance away?"
"No, Sinatra. It just... she kinda just chose me."
"Huh." Linda furrowed her brow as the sun shone on their faces. She was glad to get out of the stuffy building. "She chose you?"
"It was all very weird. I think it was a party, there was probably beer. I'm pretty positive that I drank some- okay, a lot, cause I don't remember a thing. Only waking up with a massive headache."
The blonde laughed as she chose a spot on the grass to sit. She pulled her sunglasses out as he sat down.
Danny continued, "anyway, the next day, while I was still very confused, Marianne showed up. She claimed that I told her I wanted to be her boyfriend. Sounded like me, so I agreed o had said it."
"So.... now that you know it wasn't voluntary, you're staying with her.... voluntarily?"
He sighed, "I dunno. I kinda-"
"Danny! Are you actually talking to this trollop?" Marianne yelled at him, standing a few feet in front of the teens.
"Look, Marianne. I can have friends that are girls. And frankly, I don't care if you don't like Linda. She's a good person."
"Unlike you," Linda muttered under her breath.
"Wanna say something to my face, trollop?" The beauty queen put her hands on her hips.
"As a matter of fact, I do." Linda stood up, and crossed her arms. "Listen, I know you used to be dweeby. Then suddenly, you left town, came back, and you were pretty. So what? You treat people like they aren't people. You call them names, ignore them, push them in the halls, insult them. And it's only to those who aren't rich." Once Linda had said that, she realized that was exactly what Marianne did. "You hang out with people who are more well-off than the rest of us. But the rest of us are happy. The only reason you're happy is because you think you have power."
"I do so have power, and where-"
"No, Marianne, you don't. The only power you have is bribery, bully-ery, and bitchery. You bribe with your money, you bully with your words, you bitch with your body. You're not a fun person. And I know why you're mad at me. You're threatened by me."
"What? That's ridiculous! I am not threatened by you!"
"Then why the insults? The put downs? The sneers? Answer to all of the above: fear of titles. Yes, that's right. You're afraid your stupid friends will start hanging with us, the nice kids. The freaks. I might be a freak, but I'm surrounded by people who like me. Maybe one even loves me, the jury's still out. What do you have? A couple of minoinistic bimbos, and a guy wrapped so tightly around your little finger, he doesn't know how incredibly manipulative and insane you are!" She turned to Danny, who still sat on the ground. "No offense, Danny. You don't bother me, Marianne. I'm not gonna let you get to me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have courses to pass so I can become a useful member of society. I'll see you at the hospital to treat you for some incurable social disease in about, mmm.... seven years?" She breezed passed the teenager, leaving Marianne, Danny, and most of the student body in shock.

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