If Life Was But A Song

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"We're going to try something a little new today," the drama teacher, Mr. Diamond, stated. "We're going to go around, say what song we think our life is, and talk about that."
Linda smiled, she liked Mr. Diamond. He was fun, he was unconventional, and, coincidently, loved Neil Diamond. On Monday, they had danced to some eighties songs in the gym. She loved how it was so unbeaten, so unscripted.
"Linda," That was another thing she liked about Mr. Diamond. He believed in a first name basis- he even wanted them to call him Louis. "What song is your life at the moment?"
"That's tough. Lemme think...." she thought about songs that dealt with unrequited love. She smiled as she thought of one, "One Fine Day by The Chiffons."
"1963, great year. Why did you pick that song?"
Another thing that she liked about drama, was that nobody made fun of anyone. They all applauded or aw-ed or whatever the mood called for. "I've got a predicament. I think I love this one guy, but he's dating someone else. I'm stupidly convinced he'll want me for his girl, as the lyric says.... another song that would be fitting is maybe Jesse's Girl. But, y'know, roles reversed."
"A love triangle, huh?" Laura wondered. She was glad that a friend was in the class.
"A stupid, idiotic, soap opera love triangle. And I think it's turning into a square." Linda furrowed her brows, considering what the feelings she felt in her stomach for AJ really were.
"How do you feel about that?" Louis asked, intrigued.
"Very confused. On the one hand, I have a the potentially of a boyfriend. On the other, I don't have any possibility. It's all very confusing. Cause I think I like this guy, like, truly like him. Then there's this other guy, who I only like for his looks. I mean, he seems nice enough. He's got his head in his ass, but he seems nice."
The class laughed at Linda's language, causing her to protest. "It's true, he does! I don't see any other sane reason why he'd go with the girl he's going with!... but enough about me. Let's ask Laura...."
"My life as a song would be.... Eternal Flame by The Bangles, I think. I've got feelings for this one fellow, I know I do. But it's just.... he's so, like, elegant. And when we kiss, it feels so wrong, but good at the same time."
"He's so bad, but he does it so well." A girl said aloud. "Kinda like Danny."
"Holy crap, how many of you has he boinked?!" Linda's cheeks flushed after she let that slip. She blushed even more when more than half the girls raised their hands. The blonde whimpered, whispering to Laura, "doomed, I tell ya! Doomed!"
Laura laughed, "yes, exactly. You'd think his kisses would be gentlemanly, but they really aren't."
"Maybe a better song for you would be.... I dunno. I can't think of any," a boy shook his head.
"Ooh! Strangers In The Night." Linda suggested, "Specifically, strangers in the night, exchanging glances. Wond'ring in the night, what were the chances? We'd be sharing love before the night was through? Something in your eyes was so inviting. Something in your smile was so enticing. Something in my heart told me I must have you..." she sang, then stopped. "Actually, the entirety of the song. Nope, scratch that. The first half of the song. We don't know whether it turned out so right."
Laura laughed, "that's true. You've got a nice voice, too."

Ugh! It was sooo hard to pick the song to go up on the top, but I settled with Sinatra. Cause I'm a sucker for Sinatra.
Plus, head-cannon: Linda can sing very well, and, of course, so can Danny

Taking The Queen's King Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora