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"Hey! Blondie!" A female voice called to Linda the next school day.
"I have a name, y'know." She turned to the girl. The girl was Spanish, pretty, and had light brown hair. "It's Linda."
"Well, Linda, my name's Valeria. I just wanted to tell you that you got a pretty good knock on your head yesterday."
"Great. You too? Well, get in line, Valeria. The whole school is playing that tune." Linda rolled her eyes, walking to the cafeteria.
"I also saw how you mouthed off Marianne. That takes guts."
"Apparently I'm on her 'most-hated' list."
"Pfft, so is everybody. Except her clique and Reagan." Valeria laughed, "I've known that boy since we were in diapers, and he's never done anything this stupid."
"I guess you guys are best friends, huh?"
"Don't Sound so disappointed! I'm on your side! I'll help you knock down the Queen, and steal her king."
Linda stopped, "thirty seconds, and you've read me like a book!"
"Danny tells me I should be a detective. I kinda wanna go into business. How 'bout you?"
"Great profession." Valeria stood in the long line with Linda, "never eat the fish. Or mystery meat. We don't think it's meat."
"What is it?"
"Word on the street is that it's human," she whispered, crossing her arms.
"How long have you been in New York?"
"I was born in Spain. Moved here when I was five or six."
"Oh. I was born here. Just moved from one side of Staten Island to the other."
"Why? If you don't mind me asking. We moved here for Papá's business."
"My Dad... he, uh... there was an accident. And he didn't make it."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
Linda shrugged, "thanks. Nothing to do, though. Just... move on, I guess."
"Do you wanna hang out some
Time?" Fran asked Linda as they walked to math class together.
"Sure. Friday work okay?"
"Yeah, that's fine. Val's coming over too."
The blonde nodded, "cool. Should I bring anything?"
"If you want. Just make sure it's kosher."
"Kosher. Got it. That's, like, no ham, right?"
"Yeah. Bring pretzels or cheese balls and you'll be fine."
"Okay. You're.... Jewish, aren't you?"
"Meanwhile, I'm guessing you're catholic."
"Most everybody here is. Me and Val are Jewish, and Maria's... Protestant, I think."
Linda nodded, "the Reagans? They're, uh, they're Catholic, right?"
"Big time. But they're really fun. And little Jamie is just the cutest."
Linda smiled, "they're all cute." She blushed, and looked away.
"They are." Fran smiled, "I was thinkin' of inviting Erin and Maria as well. Ría, too."
Linda nodded, "Ria, she's, um..."
"Valeria. She's the best friend you could have," Fran sat down in a chair, Linda on her left, "because she'll have your back."
The blonde nodded, "she seems really nice."
"She is. Funny, too. She's best friends with Erin, and they get in trouble together."
Linda took out her book as a cute guy sat next to her.
"You're Linda, right?" He wondered, his British accent ringing out.
"Yup. I'm guessin' your Maxwell?"
"Yes, I am."
"Oh, have you met Fran?" She pointed to her friend, noticing the tiniest blush on Maxwell's face.
"Yes, I have. Hello, Fran."
Linda smiled at Fran, nodding slightly. The Jewish girl shook her head, only to have the blonde nod more. "Max, can I call you Max?"
"Uh," Maxwell's mind flashed to when Fran had asked him that. He did like the name Max- it certainly sounded more American. "Well, why not?"
"Good! Listen, Max. I need advice."
"Advice? From me? You hardly know me!"
"So? You're cute and handsome, you'll know the answer to this. So, my friend has a crush on this guy, but she doesn't know if he likes her back. Even though it's very obvious," she stressed the word 'obvious'. "What would be your advice?"
"Well, I.... maybe your friend should start hanging out with this fellow. She might grow on him."
Linda nodded, "lemme go tell her that. 'Scuse me." She gathered her books and looked for an open seat. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw who she was going to sit next to.

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