Gathering Clues

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"I don't know where she could have gone," Anna paced the length of her living room.
"Unfortunately, the police won't do dick," Danny looked up at her. He, Erin, Mary, Laura, Remington, AJ, Valeria, and Maria were gathered in the living room of Linda's home. "You can't report a missing person for twenty four hours."
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Erin grumbled. "I mean, you don't know where they are, but you know there not where they should be. What if something happened to them? And by twenty four hours, it'll be too late!" She saw the look on Anna's face. "Oh, no. No, I'm not- that is- I'm sure Linda's fine, Ms O'Shea."
"She's a game girl," Remington agreed.
"Did she maybe have specific places she liked to go?" Mary wondered, consoling her soon to be friend.
"I don't know. Ever since the accident, she's been withdrawn. AJ, did she ever tell you something about where she liked to go?"
AJ shook his head, "she said she liked the mall, but that would be counterproductive if she wanted to be alone."
"What was the last thing she said to anybody?"
"Uh.... she yelled at me because Mr. Idiot over here called her just a friend." Valeria jabbed her thumb at Danny.
"For the love of- I told you. I only said that to get Marianne to shut up."
"What was the last thing she told you?" Anna wrung her hands together.
"Uh.... she said that I had a big dick and then said she had to go kill herself."
Mary stared at her oldest, the question obvious on her face.
"Mom. Calm down. She hasn't even seen it."
"Do- do you think she really.... really k- k- killed.... herself?"
"Oh, no. No, Ms. O'Shea. She just said that outta embarrassment."
"But why would you be talking about-" Laura started, her brow furrowed.
"Because Linda was pissed that she was sent to detention, when she was, or rather, is the victim. I told her it was probably because she said LaRue had no dick. She laughed and said it was tiny- cause LaRue wears these really tight pants and leaves nothing to the imagination. Then she said, 'unlike yours'. Then she went away."
"And came to me," Valeria recounted the events. "She got mad at Marianne, stormed off after hitting the skank. I followed her and she yelled at me. The last thing she said was.... 'I just wanna be left alone, so bug off'. She's really upset about this whole situation with LaRue."
"Of course she is. It's still rape," Although angry and scared for her friend, Laura's voice still sounded calm. "Everyone gets that wrong."
Mary observes Ms. O'Shea getting more agitated. "I'm going to make some tea."
"It's, um.... Jimmy, go help Mrs. Reagan."
Jimmy got up from his spot on the couch and followed Mary into the kitchen.
"I just..... I don't understand. Why would she run away?"
"Did you ever have your crush tell you that you're just a friend?" Valeria raised her eyebrows.
Danny groaned and muttered a profanity, "are you ever gonna let me forget that?"
"No! Because you're an idiot. You're an idiot for saying that, and you're an idiot for being with Marianne!"
AJ frowned, the truth was slowly being revealed to him. It's okay Though. A crush is a crush. Doesn't mean anything.
"I know where she is!" Danny stood up. "She told me about it one time when we were waiting for Joey."

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