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"Oh, honey, stop moping. You're gonna love Roseberg High." Anna O'Shea told her moody teen as they drove to Back To School Night. "It even has your name in it: Rose!"
"Mom." The brunette rolled her eyes, quite annoyed.
"Fine....." Anna looked at her daughter and sighed. "At least try to have fun, Linda."
"I'm not gonna have fun."
"And why the hell not?"
"Because Daddy's gone. You can say it, Mom. He's gone. And that's why you decided to up and leave. What am I supposed to do? Act like the accident didn't happen? Well, it did, Mom. Moving to the other side of Staten Island isn't gonna make it go away."
"I know, sweetie. We just... we needed a change."
Linda crossed her arms and looked out the window as the city whizzed by. "Fine," she stated after a long silence, "if I'm supposed to go on with life, I'll need a new look."
"Whatever you want."
"Thank you." She smirked, she was going to change her whole look. Goodbye to her brown locks and barren ears. Hello to Goldie locks and piercings.
"Just.... don't do anything radical." Anna reminded, maybe even warned, her daughter.
"Mom, I'm not like Wendy. I won't go all emo on you." She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Wendy. Heh. What a crazy sister....
"We're here." Anna turned off the car.
"Oh joy." Linda stepped out of the car, sarcasm dripping from her voice.
In high heels, a black skirt, and a magenta off the shoulder top, Linda climbed the stairs with her Mom. The teen swung her purse in her hand as she walked, all male eyes looking at her.
As the O'Sheas waited outside one class room, Linda heard a woman somewhat yelling at her son.
"Danny, where's Jamie? I thought I told you to watch him!"
"He was literally, like, right here, Ma." Danny seemed to have no interest in this 'Jamie'.
"And where are your other siblings?"
"Ma, you're acting like they're three. They're teenagers. They're probably with their friends."
"You're a big help." She said sarcastically, "Come on, let's go."
Linda sighed and put her foot on the wall. She looked at her pale pink nail polish, this school was going to suck.
"Look, Linda," Anna pointed to a pretty Latino girl. "She looks like she could use a friend."
"Mom, please. I'm not five."
"Go over and say hi." She said forcefully.
Linda groaned but plastered on a smile and walked over to the girl. "Hi, I'm Linda."
"I'm Maria. Have you been here before?" She had on a black top tucked into a jean skirt with high heeled Mary Janes.
"No, I'm new. But I am loving your outfit!" That mean teenager attitude? Linda just used it on her mother, who she was very mad at.
"Thank you! I love yours, too!"
"Thanks. Are you new, Maria?"
"Only to the school."
"Ah, So you know who that cute guy was?"
"Linda, there are a million cute guys here. It's like this school is the melting pot of cute guys."
The brunette smiled, "that's very good."
"Maria?!" A tall brunette looked in their direction.

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