You'll Have To Teach Me

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Linda's heels clicked in the hall as she followed Erin and Valeria. She was oddly very intrigued by this 'AJ' fellow. "So where's AJ? I gotta get home. It's my turn to do dinner."
"You can cook?" Erin stopped, looking at the blonde.
"Pork chops and macaroni is my specialty." She smiled, "now where's AJ?"
"Hey, AJ!" Valeria grabbed Linda's wrist and pulled her next to her.
"What?" AJ turned around, smiling. He had equally as stunning blue eyes as Linda, blonde hair, and a cute smile. "Hi!"
"Hi, I'm Linda." The blonde smiled.
"See ya," Erin and Valeria left, leaving Linda alone with AJ.
"Um, your older brother's Rick Simon, right?"
"Yeah, why?" AJ started walking outside, Linda falling in step.
"I dunno. I know that name, but I don't know why."
"What's your last name?"
"That sounds familiar, too. Do you have an older sister?"
"Wendy Mich?" AJ stopped.
"Wendy Mich? No, Wendy Michelle." Linda wrinkled her brow.
"Does she have blonde hair, a little lighter than mine? With, um..."
"Legs for days, electric hips, and killer sex appeal?" Linda started walking again.
"Yeah..." AJ blushed slightly.
"That's Wendy. I'll be surprised if she ever settles down! Who's Wendy Mich?"
"She's dating my brother."
"Rick Simon, the cowboy!" Linda nodded, "I didn't ask about that one."
AJ chuckled, "he wears cowboy boots and a hat."
"Hence cowboy. Got it." The girl stopped again, "well, AJ. I gotta get home and outta these heels!" She pointed to her shoes, smirking when AJ looked as well. "Plus, it's my turn to make dinner."
"You cook?"
"I wouldn't exactly call it cooking. It's more like heating and defrosting. A little frying and boiling."
"I cook a little, too. Actually, Remington and I have cooked for summer barbecues and the like."
"Oh! Well, maybe I'll have to get you boys to teach me."
AJ smirked, "I'll talk to Remington. But I guess I should let you finish your homework and get into something comfier."
"Yeah. See you tomorrow."
"Listen, squirt," Jimmy told his younger sister as she set up her homework on the kitchen table. "I have a friend coming over. We're gonna be shooting hoops soon as we get our homework done."
"Swell. But me being here doesn't interfere with you and your friend."
"I'm not moving, Jimmy. Just cause you're older and bigger and stronger doesn't mean I have to listen to you."
"Yes, it does," the doorbell rang, "now scram."
"Fine, panther piss."
"Ferret feces."
Linda rolled her eyes as she nearly gathered her things. She heard Jimmy telling his friend they could be in the kitchen. She almost dropped her books when she saw who it was, "Danny!"
"Linda, right?" The Reagan smiled at her.
"Yeah," she nodded, stopping when she heard Jimmy clear his throat. "But, uh, I've been told to scram. So I'll see ya tomorrow."
Danny watched her slip out of the kitchen, "she's your sister?"
"Yeah. You know her?"
"We've talked three times."
"Oh. Come on, let's finish so we can shoot some hoops."
"Is it okay if I read out here? Wendy's on the phone with her cowboy again," Linda rolled her eyes, clutching her book.
Danny shrugged, "Jimmy?"
"Long as you're not in the way." He threw the ball in the hoop.
"I'll just be sitting. In the grass. Reading. My book." She nodded, sitting down. She wouldn't dare tell anybody she wanted to be with them just to see a shirtless Danny.

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