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"What's the matter, sweetie?" Mary looked to her eldest at dinner that night.
"Which one of us are you referring to?" Erin gestured to everyone at the table, chewing her roll.
"What?" He looked at her half heartedly.
"I asked if you were okay."
"Totally fine. Why?"
"You've been cutting your mashed potatoes for the last five minutes," Erin told him, supporting a small smirk.
"Oh.... I'm okay, just thinkin'."
"'Bout what?" Joe reached for the salt.
Danny stopped himself from telling the truth. "School and shit. A big exam is coming up."
"Really? I don't remem- ow." The brunette stared at her brother after he had kicked her shin.
"You're not in the same class, much less grade."
"Good point."
Danny didn't really listen to the rest of dinner conversation. He was too busy thinking about how Linda broke Marianne's defense system and completely knocked her out of the water. The thing was, Linda was,in every way, right. The only reason Marianne had power was because she was a major bully. After wrestling with his thoughts, Danny knew what he had to do.
"I'll get it," Linda got up from the table to answer the phone. "O'Sheas..... I'm Linda.... oh, I'm sorry, Jerry. But I really can't. I've got a previous engagement this Friday.... bye."
"Who was that?" Anna wondered.
"No idea. He claims he's in my math class. He sounded familiar." Linda shrugged as she put her napkin in her lap again.
"What did he want?"
"A date. I told him no. I've already got one this Friday."
"What? You didn't tell me that."
"Mom, relax, it's okay. He's a perfect gentleman. I bet he's one of those guys who asks before kissing you."
"You do know that you just joined the ranks, right?" Erin asked Linda the following morning.
She looked behind her, "I did what?"
"Started a battle with Marianne."
"Oh! Yeah. But I'm just going to ignore her. She'll say something mean, I'll walk right past, and simply render her powerless."
The Reagan smiled a little, "if only it was that simple. On the plus side, my brother looked absolutely mesmerized by you while you were shooting down Marianne."
"Danny? I hope so. At least now I know why he picked Marianne."
"Really? You know why?"
"Yeah, he told me. Why?"
"Nobody knows why! The fact that he told you is great! Now why the hell did he choose her?"
"Uh, if he hasn't told you or anyone, I..... don't think I should be telling you."
"Damn. Well, I understand that. No, I don't. Please tell me!"
Linda laughed, "I'm sorry, Erin, but I don't think I should be telling you.... all I'll say is it was Marianne who chose Danny, not the other way around."
"Yeah. But you didn't hear it form me."
"I hear you've got a date with AJ," Laura smiled at Linda as they went to history class.
"It's not a date."
"Are you dressing up?"
"Are you gonna eat food?"
".... yes."
"Will he pay?"
"I- I think so."
"Then it's a date."
Linda furrowed her brow, "that a fact?"
"Yes, very much so."
"Please direct your attention to the board...." the teacher began.

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