A Sad Car Ride

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Friday had come, finding Linda a little nervous and very excited. She didn't realize how much she had looked forward to her date with AJ. She had observed him throughout the day, noting how he seemed really sad. She wondered if he was up for the date as she got ready.
Jimmy knocked on the open door, "can I talk to you for a sec, baby sis?"
"Absolutely," she put a silver hoop in her ear, "take a seat."
He chose to stand, "be careful, okay?"
"Jimmy, I'll be fine. AJ's not like Richard. AJ's kind and gentlemanly and really cute." She laughed a little. "Besides, AJ's not rich."
"Yeah, he kinda is."
Linda stopped putting on her lipstick, "he is?"
"Yeah. Nathan told me."
"He can't be rich. Marianne hasn't, Uh, hasn't tried to get him."
"Oh, yes, she has. Nate says she tried all last year, but he wouldn't go out with her, much less look in her direction...."
Linda looked down at her Covergirl lipstick. "Oh..."
"AJ's got a big-ass house, almost mansion like.... I just thought you'd might wanna know. Be on the look out."
The blonde nodded, "thanks, I guess."
"You have been sad all day. What gives?" Linda asked AJ as they drove to the restaurant.
AJ sighed, "just some stuff at home."
She nodded, looking down at her plaid skirt. "Oh.... anything I can do to help?"
He stole a glance at the blonde beauty. He saw genuine concern in her eyes.... along with something he couldn't make out. "I- I don't think so."
"Oh." She hoped he would open up to her. Uncomfortable silence hung in the air, while Linda studied the white button on her white button up. "Hey, AJ?"
"Is it true that you're kinda rich?"
AJ sighed, "do you not like rich people?"
"It's not that at all. But are you?"
"I don't like telling people. They treat me differently after they know."
She nodded, so Jimmy was right.
"I can tell you don't like rich people. Why?"
Linda chewed her lip, "I'll tell you if you tell me what's got you so bothered."
"Okay, fine. I'll tell you. But you first."
She sighed, looking out the window, "long story short, my rich boyfriend was stupid, he got high, he killed himself and my Dad. Accidentally, of course. Richard went out driving after he dropped me at a cafe. My Dad came to get me, Richard hit my Dad head on."
"I'm sorry. That must've been tough."
"It was... it still is, actually...."
"I lost my Dad, too. So I kinda know how you feel."
"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that..... what's got you so down?"
"My idiot brother told me he wants to join the corps."
Linda nodded, "What corps?"
"Oh. You're not too thrilled about that, huh?" At the time, she didn't see the irony or foreshadowing of his statement.
"Not at all."
"He'll be alright." She put her hand on AJ's shoulder. "If you want, we can just skip tonight. Go out next week."
"Would you mind?"
"Not at all."
"You really are a great friend, you know that?"
Linda blushed and shrugged. "Just thoughtful."

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