Chapter 23

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A month had passed and I was positive I was pregnant. I craved the most abnormal foods and threw up at least once or twice a month. George carried me everywhere and absolutely spoiled me. I had to sit with him in his office just to get him to do some work. I ended up writing a letter to Hercules so he could come visit.

One night I couldn't sleep and ended up wandering the castle. As I neared the throne room and put a hand on my stomach as my thoughts wandered to my child. I smiled to myself and made my way to the kitchen. I decided to make myself some tea. After the water was finished boiling I took my cup and went out to the garden. The cool autumn air blew through my hair. It was getting colder out. I looked up at the palace and noticed the light on in George's office.I chuckled to myself put my hand on my stomach again. "Let's go see what papas up to" I whispered walking back inside. When I got up to his office I noticed the door was locked.
"George? Darling are you in there?"
"Y/N go back to bed" he growled. I gasped. That was not my husband.
"Georgie please, are you alright?"
"Y/N GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" He screamed. That's when I realized. The door to his office was locked from the outside. Trembling I reached for the handle when someone pulled me away.
"I'm sorry you're highness but I got to get you away from him" Samuel said running to the servants quarters. When we were safe in his room he sat across from me on the floor.
"Are you alright? Is the baby ok?" Sam asked panicky.
"We're ok we're ok" I whispered.
"What happened to my husband?" I pleaded. Sam only sighed.
"George has a mental condition, he is prone to fits of rage triggered by stress, fear, and frustration. He knows when they are going to occur and has entrusted me with the key to his office. I lock him in there and only return when the bell on the wall is rung 12 times. He can't control himself when he has these fits and they only last a few hours." Sam explained. I nod tearing up. Sam embraces me calming me down.
I went back to my room and woke up to George getting a bath ready for me the next morning. I sat up in bed and looked at him. He looked guilt ridden and exhausted.
"Sam explained everything."
"......I'm a monster." I stood up and walked over cupping his face.
"You are no monster, you are a man with a condition that is not easily fixed. A man that I love very much."
He smiled as tears fell down his cheeks.
"Take your clothes off and join me in the bath" I commanded. He did just that. He played with my hair and kissed my neck. I noticed his hands on my stomach and his content expression.
"Our child is going to blow us away some day"

What gender should the kid be and what should they be named

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