Chapter 19

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My eyes lit up as Washington walked over to me. 
"General? What are you doing here?" I asked. He chuckled and handed me a box. I opened it and inside were military meddles. 
"You freed America, no amount of gratitude will ever make up for that."
I shook his hand and thanked him. John took my arm and walked me outside to the court yard. Just before I was about to walk down the aisle, someone took my arm. I looked up to see Hercules. 
"Promise you'll be happy all the way over here?"
"Hercules I will be ok, I promise" I reassured. He hugged me and I hugged back. 
Soon the soft music started playing. I walked down the aisle Hercules by my side. George stood at the alter in complete shock. I smiled holding back tears as I stood across from him. I held his hands as we exchanged vows. And as we kissed I felt myself slip from reality. All that mattered in that moment was the love I had for George. 


The reception was held in the gardens. Soft music played as George dragged me onto the dance floor. He placed his hands on my waist and swayed us back and forth.
"You look lovely your majesty " he whispered. I smiled and looked into his crystal blue eyes. 
"Words will never be able to describe absurdity of this marriage." George chuckled and nodded. 
"But it happened all the same."
I was able to spend time with the boys before they left. We danced and talked for hours. Sadly they would leave tomorrow and I would take my place by Georges side.

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