Chapter 5

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One month had passed, in that time Amalthea had taught me to fight and outsmart the british. We cut our hair and binded our chests with bandages and cloth. Amalthea stole a few uniforms and we headed out to the battle field once we got off the ship. Amalthea had our letters for the general ready and stole us a few pistols. Finally we wandered into Washington's tent and told him we wanted to join. He happily gave us tents and told us he was thrilled to have us. I parted ways with Amalthea and walked to my tent. That's when I see a familar face, I held back tears and was left expressionless. "Oh hey you must be my bunk mate, I'm Hercules Mulligan" he said holding out his hand. I painted on a smile "Jason Dean, call me J.D." "Well JD what's your story?" "I got tired of the same job and wanted to help out my country." He looked at me in a way that said 'I think I know you.' "Hey have we met before?" "..........I don't think so." I couldn't tell him, this is the only place I'd be safe. His majesty wouldn't expect his seamstress to be a solider. "Huh alright then. Well want to meet my friends?" I smiled and nodded. We walked to a nearby tent with three men in it. "Ey Mulligan, who's the chump?" a man with freckles and curly hair said. "Hey guys I got a new bunk mate" I smiled shyly. One of them who seemed to be a General, looked at me strangely and a little suspiciously. "Mulligan, outside now" the General said. The two other guys look at me "well I'm John, this is Alexander." "I'm JD" I say shaking their hands.

"You can't be serious Laf, you're telling me that's Y/N?" I say a little annoyed. "I dressed up as a woman to get out of France, you're telling me if she escaped the King of England she wouldn't hide in plain sight, the one place he wouldn't think to look?" I thought about this. "You're gonna have to get at least one piece of evidence, follow him, do whatever you have to do" I say quietly.  Laf nods and walks back in the tent. I pray it's not her, I know he looked familiar but......that can't be her.

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