Chapter 12

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This is it, this is how I lose my dignity. I sat on the kings floor not daring to cry. For I knew he would be back. All decisions I made could either spare or kill Lauren's. I knew I had no choice, innocent Brits and Americans were dying. I heard the door open and George waltzed in.
"Darling do get off the floor you'll ruin your clothing. I sigh doing what he says.
"I've made my decision. I will marry you on a few conditions."
George's eyes light up with excitement.
"And what are those conditions."
"My brother and friends are not to be harmed and they may visit whenever they like."
"As you wish, but do remember they are in my country so they follow my rules."
"Understood. I also would like to be treated as a woman not a war prisoner. This entails letting me wander the castle eating foods I choose talking to people I wish. And above all I want no physical affection or lust until I'm better acquainted with you." His eyes seemed warm and understanding.
"I will respect your boundaries and treat you as my equal, I would like you to know I want to put time and effort into this relationship. Now do we have a deal?" I grab his hand and shake it. He smiles smugly.
"Our wedding will be in 3 months."
"As you wish sir."
"Call me George."
And with that he once again leaves the room. John was let go the next morning. I sadly sat in the garden feeling lonely once more. I look over and see someone sit next to me. It was Samuel.
"Uhh h-hello" He said nervously.
I smile "hello Samuel."
"I'm sorry about the king h-he gets like that when he's lonely."
I start to laugh "that man could marry every girl in Britain and still be lonely."
"'s not that kind of lonely." I see his expression start to change.
"Whenever the king is lonely, he gets sad. And when he gets sad, he gets angry. He can't control his emotions thanks to his abusive up bringing. I guess it's what we have in common."
"......why are you friends with him? He's an oppressive dictator."
"Because I understand him, I've been helping him understand his emotions and manage them since he was 16."
I smile knowing Samuel really cared about him. Sam looks at me and smiles.
"I'd like to understand him."
"Then spend time getting to know him even if it is hard."
I nod and stand up.
"Thank you Sam."
"Of course."

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