Chapter 10

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I walked into my tent, Lafayette at my side. I could tell he felt bad for making me do this. "Oh hey JD I was just coming to look for you, we have a battle tomorrow and I have a little extra money so I though we could go to the pub." Hercules said happily, I tried to speak but I only teared up. "Tell him" Laf demanded. I sigh and nodded "it's me Herc, Y/N" I say looking up at him. He looked at me for a long moment before his eyes widen and he pulled me into a hug. "I suspected you were dead" "this was the only spot King George wouldn't find me." Herc nodded and held me in his arms. But the moment wasn't to last, when gunshots started firing. I grabbed my gun and ran out with Laf and Herc. An army of British soldiers marched through the camp slaughtering people as they tried to fight back. It turned into total chaos as everyone fought bravely. As I was fighting someone grabbed me from behind and threw me in a large bag. I heard John screaming my name, but then I heard a thud and the shuffle of two more bags. After a few seconds I noticed the sound of the ocean. A few seconds later I was tossed into a cell in the lower level of a British ship. John was in the cell next to me. He had a black eye and looked to be in pain. "How? How could they have figured out where you were?" John asked sadly. "Because the King has a scholar for a royal adviser, Seabury is a lot smarter than he looks." Amalthea said a few cells over. We all sat in silence for days before we were pulled out of our cells and walked into the castle. We were forced to or knees in front of a smug King George. "Ahh Y/N, I knew you'd be back. Now I'm going to make you a deal, tomorrow you will all be executed by way of guillotine. Unless you agree to be my obedient little seamstress and stay with me forever, you and your friend will die." "Friend? Who's going to be-" "me" Amalthea said interrupted. "I disobeyed him for the last time." John and I watched in horror as King George grabbed an axe from the executioner next to him. He grinned menacingly as he raised the axe, and brought it down on her head. I looked away as John stared at Amalthea bleeding out. The King only chuckled as fear clouded Johns eyes while I cried. "Men, take Mr. Laurens to his cell where he may await a similar death or a life of wealth, as for our little seamstress leave her in my room and dress her for dinner with me." George walked away as me and John were pried apart.

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