Chapter 8

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"What am I missing Sammy?" I growl looking over the reports. "I-I d-do-don't know s-sir" he stutters clutching the tray with my afternoon tea and pastries on it. I sigh and sit him down. "Samuel when will you learn to not be scared of me?" I ask happily drinking my tea. "M-my apologizes sir" he says with a small smile. "Very good, now Sammy you're smart, where would my little seamstress go?" he thinks for a moment. "Well if I was a damsel trying to save myself I'd try to hide somewhere you'd never think to look" I nod. "But where have I not thought to look? I've searched every inch of this country so that means she went home, but if she went home she'd know not to go back to her place of residence." Samuel and I think for a minute "well she didn't have any money and almost no one is hiring women.....maybe she's not a woman." I look up and squint my eyes. "What do you mean?" "What if she's disguised as a man? Think about it, all the guards a looking for a pretty little Irish girl, no one is looking for an Irish immigrant trying to make a better life." "Ok ok I see where you're coming from" "she has a brother correct?" "She immigrated with her brother yes but he's at war she couldn't possibly-" mine and Sam's eyes widen. "If your theory is correct and she is pretending to be a man, while also hiding in the place that would be completely insane," "she could be a solider in the war!" I smile and walk to my chess board. "Instead of killing as many soliders as we can, let's kidnap as many as we can" Samuel smiles. "Excellent sir" I nod as I move a few pieces on the board.


"Well well well" Washington said as I sat across from him in his tent. "Sir I-" "no I speak you listen." I nod shutting up. "Now let's see you beat up a general" I sigh looking down. "You abandoned your post during battle and even managed to get shot while doing so" he growls. "Sir that General was attacking M- our spy Mulligan and shot me when I tried to break it up, as for abandoning my post I saw a fit opportunity to kill the second in command." "You didn't let me finish son" I look him in the eye. "I'm proud of you, you saved our most important spy and helped us capture the British General John Burgoyne. Because of your quick thinking and skills in combat, I am making you a lieutenant. You will fight along side General Lafayette and help Laurens question Burgoyne, is that clear?" I sigh in relief "yes sir thank you sir, I won't disappoint you." 

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