Chapter 14

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I wake up the next morning to George holding me around my waist. I smile as his he holds me close. After a few minutes his eyes flutter open and pulls me even closer.
"Good morning darling" he whispers into my neck. I chuckle softly and wrap my arms around him. We sit there for another hour before he sits up and rings the breakfast bell.
"After breakfast shall we head to the garden?" He suggested.
"That sounds wonderful" I kiss his cheek and slump back under the covers.
"Cold my love?"
"Only a little."
He smiles stroking my hair. We eat our breakfast and get dressed in our separate rooms. We then head down to the gardens. It was huge with fruit trees and fountains and Greek like statues. I found a huge tree that I began to climb even in my dress.
"Be careful Y/N darling" he said sounding worried. I smirk and hang upside down in front of him. He smirked and softly caressed my face. I blush and slowly lean in for a kiss. He blushes and kisses back. I soon pull away and jump down from the tree.
"My my, you are full of surprises miss Y/N" he says with a chuckle. I smirk "always expect the unexpected when it comes to me George."
"Understood, I apologize but now we must be fitted into our wedding clothes."
I found myself only smiling, somehow the idea of marrying this brute didn't seem as repulsive as I thought it would. I hold his hand as we walked to the fitting room. Finally at dinner time we were happily having lively conversations and even flirting a little with each other. It was a lovely evening.

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