Chapter 21

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I stared at George wide eyed. I couldn't speak and I could barely breathe. 'Kids? He wants kids?' Thousands of thoughts swirled in my head. Finally George spoke.
"Y/N I'm not to make you do anything you don't want to do. If you don't want kids right now then we will wait till you're ready."
I smiled at him and walked over to his side of the table. He pulled me into his lap kissing my jaw line softly. I relished the gentle touch of his lips and I was grateful for the way he held me in his arms.
"Give me a bit to think about it?"
"As you wish, come now your bath is ready."
I giggled as George carried me to a large bathroom. He set me down and closed the door. As I soaked I pondered his question that I would soon have to answer. I pondered what we would have to do to achieve conception and how we would parent after. Even after an hour and a half I still didn't have a full answer. I got out, got dressed and made my way back to our room where I fell asleep in his arms.
The next morning I woke up late. George was already in the throne room. I got dressed and went to do some paper work before watching the play tonight. As I worked I heard my study door open.
"Finally up I see? my husband asked.
"I was tired" I answered playfully. I could practically hear the smirk forming on his face as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"George don't you have matters at hand to focus on?"
"Only if the matter is teasing my gorgeous wife" he purred kissing the back of my neck. I giggled leaned into him.
"Darling be reasonable, I have work to do."
"I'm the king and I say you can do it later."
He turned me around kissing me roughly. I kissed back as held me against the wall.

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