Chapter 7

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I sat alone in the mess hall drinking water. That's when Lafayette sits across from me. "I'm sorry JD" he said sadly. "I just had a hunch that you were a woman and I wanted to keep you safe." I smile "I would have done the same, but you've seen me in battle. Why would you worry?" "My best friends sister was kidnapped by the British and you looked a lot like him so I just wanted to bring her back to him." I look down " is he?" "He's in pain, he's scared, worst of all he's threatened to go to Britain to bring her back." I smile, "well if I ever go to Britain I'll keep a look out for her." He laughs "I'll hold you to that"

"I can't do it anymore Amalthea" I complain. "After the war you can reveal yourself, it's all gonna be fine" she says sympathetically. "Maybe you're right but he might kill himself trying to find me" Amalthea sighs. "Do you want to be taken back to Britain and spend your life serving that-that pig?" I look at her and frown "you're right." After a long nap I wake up to find Hercules walking into the tent. "Evening JD" I smile "hi Hercules." "My friends and I were gonna go to the bar, wanna come?" I nod "yeah sure." We walk to the bar and I stay close to John. "You drink JD?" "Not often" "ehh I can see why." I chuckle and sit at a table with everyone. I sip the beer they ordered me slowly. I only drank wine once and I didn't like it. "Ey JD I think that bar maid likes you" Alex teases. I look over and there was a gorgeous girl with red hair and green eyes. She blushed as she looked at us. "Umm nah guys I uhhh ha-have a wife and ya know" I explain awkward as John holds back laughter. "Oh really what's she like?" Laf asked. "She uhhh she paints and she's very artistic, she also tends to Day Dream. I love her though, she thinks of the most ridiculous things then translates it onto paper or canvas. It's quite amusing" the boys smile. "She sounds lovely monsieur" Lafayette compliments. I smile and nod as John smirks at me. Hercules goes over to hit on the bar maid while Alex and Laf get more beer. "You were talking about yourself huh?" Says John, I chuckle "I do tend to day dream a lot but I write down my ideas, sometimes I draw but it's mostly sketching." John nods and we soon leave the bar.

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