“Help me master a song…” Ruki said.


The whole day, those three just stayed there at the exact same place I left them when I switched the household.

But JaeMi and Belle had fallen asleep.

Yokko continued to watch outside, protecting the two from him.

After a few hours, the two woke up and just continued what they were doing before they took a quick nap.

Then they heard footsteps.

Reiji was looking outside the other window, eyes wide. Kanato and the others came as well, a tension building up. It began to rain for some reason.

“What’s wrong, Reiji-san?” JaeMi asked, finally standing up.

Reiji quickly closed the curtains and shook his head. “Nothing. Don’t mind it.”


“Going back to the corner,

Where I first saw you…”

The three walked towards the window nearest to them, but Subaru blocked them.

“Who’s outside?” Yokko asked the white-haired man.

“No one.”

“Then who’s doing the singing??” Belle asked, curious as well. “The rain?? *O*

Yokko bonked her on the head. “Move,” she said to Subaru.

But he refused to.


This time it was not Yokko who said it.

It was JaeMi.

Without waiting for Subaru to really move, she walked towards the window and opened it. The wind blew, and some of the raindrops came in, but she didn’t mind. She looked out and saw a certain raven-haired vampire by the gates, looking up at her, meeting her gaze.

He had teleported straight here once he learned the song.

But he couldn’t get inside.

Not because he can’t, but because he knew if they start fighting, it will upset JaeMi.

His voice was faint because of the rain, but it reached JaeMi all the same.

“Gonna, camp in my sleeping bag,

I’m not gonna move…”

Ruki held her MP3 in his hands tightly as he kept on looking at her small silhouette from the window inside the mansion.

“Got some words on a cardboard,

Got your picture in my hand,

Saying, if you see this girl

Can you tell her where I am?”

Yokko sensed three more presences around the mansion.

She closed her eyes.

“Azusa-san… Yuma-san… Kou-san…” she whispered to herself.

Kanato looked at her, and gripped Teddy tightly.

“Some tried to hand me money…

They don’t understand…

I’m not broke— I’m just a brokenhearted man…

Empty Doll (Diabolik Lovers FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now