Special Chappie Part 3~!

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Dedicated to the ones who gave me ideas for this! Love ya @midotaka106 and @holyswiftmackerel ~

This happened before the Epilogue, meaning they didn't have any kids yet. And I don't know what's in an  arcade, okay? I'm not one to go there *lame author here* xD

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"Seriously, Jannie-chan! If you don't get up right now, I will push you off your bed!" JaeMi bellowed as the crazy azure-haired girl groaned and sat up.

"Jeez, Jae-chan. It's too early to be shouting!" Belle cried out, pouting.

"It's already 2 in the afternoon, Jannie-chan," Yokko butted in, sitting down.

"Two?" Belle asked, blinking.

Her friends nodded, hoping she'd have some panicked expression, but as always, their best friend shrugged and said, "It's still too early."

And with that, Yokko threw a pillow at her. A dozen of them, I mean.

JaeMi sighed and just sat down. "I don't really blame you," she said. "Exams are coming up and it's stressing us out too much. But we had to wake you up, or you'll get a headache."

Belle rolled her eyes. "This is why I ask myself why we even study..."

"Because it is needed for our future," Yokko answered. "I know our companions in this mansion are rich, but that doesn't mean we can be lazy. The poor are always denied of education and they thirst for knowledge. And then we who are lucky to be granted what they wanted are complaining. So shut it."

Belle looked down. "Sorry," she murmured.

Yokko sighed and smiled. "It's okay... I'm stressed out as well."

While the three are having this conversation, three boys were standing outside of the room, near the door. It started when Kanato heard JaeMi snap. And then Reiji came and saw his step-brother. And then Subaru came along.

After hearing Yokko state her condition, Kanato had his eyebrows mushed up together. He appeared to be in deep thought that made the other two curious.

"What's going on inside that mind of yours?" Subaru asked.

Kanato's frown deepened as he looked back at his lover. "Teddy, are we sure of this? This is too much work... I know..."

Reiji wiped his glasses while Kanato murmured things. And when he finished wiping, he put his glasses on again and asked, "This plan of yours, Kanato... This is something we never do, right?"

"What are you guys talking about?" Subaru inquired. 

"Just agree to this plan, Subaru, if you want Belle to stay insane for you. It gets weird when she's not noisy," Reiji said, and smirked.

"Fine, fine, I agree to whatever damned plan you have in mind," the youngest one grumbled.

Subaru opened the door, causing the three girls to look towards their direction.

"Suba-chan!" Belle greeted with a grin and a yawn. He rolled his eyes and walked towards her. Subaru then ruffled her hair, sat down beside Belle, and grunted, "Glad you woke up, Sleeping Beauty."

Kanato and Reiji followed suit, sitting on one of the mismatched blue chairs in Belle's room-- Reiji picking the barcelona chair and Kanato sitting on the bubble chair. 

"So what made you guys come here?" Belle asked, looking at the boys. "I thought you guys were playing darts and the sort."

None of the boys answered, but the two were looking at Kanato expectantly.

Empty Doll (Diabolik Lovers FanFiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें