"Before the others come back, and we call Mr. Davis to discuss the interview questions tomorrow perhaps we should get the preliminaries out of the way." Manager Sejin addresses me as I go to sit down. While he has been keeping a distance before, Yoongi instead chooses to take the seat directly next to me. Manager Sejin pulls out an envelope and passes me a parcel of papers that have been clipped together. "I'm sure I don't have to explain what this is to you."

"The NDA that Namjoon mentioned before. Why is it so thick though?" I ask. I understand why I would have to sign one, but surely I wouldn't be this restricted with my actions and what I say to the public this much.

Yoongi grabs the papers from my hands and scans them over quickly. "No, Daisy is not signing this, Sejin-hyung. You must be mistaken." He hands the papers back to his manager who looks taken aback at the action.

"  He hands the papers back to his manager who looks taken aback at the action

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I find myself frowning. What's going on?

The door opens again as Hoseok and Jin come back through the door. Yoongi starts speaking to them rapidly in Korean so I have no clue what is taking place, but I am assuming he is voicing his apprehension regarding the NDA that their manager was going to have me sign.

From what little I know of Hoseok I am quite surprised to find that he has a temper behind the sunshiney personality he shows to the world on stage and in front of a camera. "You are not limiting our relationship like this! It states here that we aren't allowed physical contact while in public, and that she has to maintain a meter distance away from any of us when we are seen in public together."


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Umm, that doesn't sound like an NDA to me. I frown at the manager. I know he has their best interests at heart. It doesn't make sense why he would have a contract put together for me like this though if that's the case. I feel like my heart is breaking, not just for me, but for my men too.

They go back to arguing back and forth in Korean and honestly the tone is kind of making me want to disappear. Jin must sense how uncomfortable I am because he is suddenly behind me and stroking the nape of my neck. I take a deep breath and clear my throat so I can get them to focus back on me for a moment. "I will sign an NDA stating that I can't discuss anything about what goes on outside of the public eye, and if there is an interview I am included in you can train me just like you are going to today in how to handle it. But I won't sign something that limits my action with my soulmates. That isn't fair to me or them."

Sejin sighs. "I suppose that's fair, but if I find actions overly unsuitable for the public I reserve the right to verbally intervene."

I arch an eyebrow at him. Geez, what does he think we are going to do in public that could cause such a scandal? Then my brain starts to connect the dots, and I know I must be blushing crimson. "I promise here and now that I will not be acting in public in a way that could cause defamation to their public perception." Why do I worry that later in life this exact proclamation is going to proverbially bite me in the ass?

He goes to a smaller bundle. Yoongi snags it from my hands to quickly read it over. He then passes it over to me and nods. I want to smile at him and thank him, but honestly I am just too uncomfortable right now to manage it. I instead settle from looking him in the eyes for a solid fifteen seconds before I turn back to sign the papers.

Not long after all of them have returned. The crowd disperses only leaving Sejin, a few members of security, and my men behind. He then pulls out the business card that I gave Namjoon and his cell phone. He initiates the speakerphone function. I'm surprised to find that it connects to his personal phone when Brighton answers himself. Sejin addresses him by name as a way of greeting then introduces himself. "I have you on speaker, also in the room are Miss Keegan, a few members of security, and BTS. I'm calling you because we would like to discuss the interview proposition you brought to Miss Keegan's attention."

I'm surprised when instead of immediately responding to Sejin he instead says something to me. "How are you doing, Daisy? Are they giving you the royal treatment?" He acts as if we are friends and have known each other for years.

"I wouldn't say that, but I'm happy." I find myself smiling again despite how I felt only moments ago.

"That's good to hear. Now, let's get back to brass tacks. What exactly were you wanting to know?"

The conversation drones on back and forth for about twenty minutes. He promises to email his planned questions directly to Sejin's email once he is done with the call. We didn't hear him typing away at a keyboard but I can only guess that he must have been doing just that when Sejin gets a notification on his phone that he got a new email only moments after the phone call ends. He confirms that when he begins going through the questions. At first they are just directed at the team, but then the questions start diving into Jimin's quest for his soulmate and eventually they start including me. I am really shocked at how detailed they are, and how much he truly must already know from what Candace told him. I will be baring my heart and soul on the radio, and I am sure I will probably get emotionally choked up for the whole country to hear. When I do my practice responses that I have worked out in my head Sejin actually seems pleased by them. He also seems to soften towards me at the end.

"I think we should prepare some photos to share via sns to release after the interview." Namjoon suggests.

"What photos?" I find myself asking. I'm not sure I want my face plastered everywhere quite yet.

"Our soulmate marks." Well, that's somewhat intimidating too.

"Um, Joon-hyung. I...no." Tae shakes his head. They haven't shown me their marks but Tae's must not be easily accessible or something.

"I agree with, Tae. I don't think it's wise to photograph mine either." Hoseok replies. I am now growing quite curious on where their marks might be.

Namjoon turns to Yoongi. He doesn't even ask. He just waits for him to respond. "I'd rather show Sejin-hyung first. See what he thinks." Why does that make me even more curious?

I know where Jimin's mark is of course, but the other four must have their marks in an acceptable spot since he doesn't ask the others. Then he turns to me. "Would you be comfortable having yours taken too?"

I nearly say of course, but then I remember that at least three of mine are hard to get to without removing clothing. In the next instance though I am coming up with the perfect idea. I turn to Sejin. "Is there a way to reserve the hotel pool and get it closed off from the public after the concert tonight?"

He arches an eyebrow, and I can tell he wants to ask why, but he refrains. He shrugs and responds. "I can ask." I'm sure that he is going to throw some money around to try to make it happen, but I honestly don't let that concern me.

I can tell my men are all confused so I quickly explain that there is only one way to take photos of my marks and keep the photos as publicly decent as possible, and that's if I am wearing a swimsuit. "That's why I am trying to organize our own personal pool party."

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now