
Start from the beginning

A flashback played in Midoriya's head like a record on loop. It greatly disturbed him to even think about it.

"Why... Why are you doing this? Is... I know it's you... Nē-san."

"Who are you calling Nē-san?"

Why can't she remember? What did they do to her? I need to find a way to help her, but I'm the only one that knows. Should I tell All Might? Mr Tsukauchi? Mom? Oh god, mom would be heartbroken. If she found out she might not... recover... His fists clenched under the table, Tsukauchi noticed this and he sighed.

"It's all right, but really, thank you."


The two walked out the back of the police station , Midoriya looked up to see All Might walking towards the two of them, "Young Midoriya!" He was in his weaker form waving at them.

"All Might! But how?" He turned to Tsukauchi, who walked calmly next to the energetic greenette.

"I needed to talk to him anyway."

"What a relief," He pet Midoriya's soft green locks, "I'm so glad you're ok. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you and the others."

His large green eyes looked up to All Might, "It's fine. It's just...," His mind went back to Shigaraki and her, who he refused to say or think of her name, " Are there times where you can't save everyone? All Might?" The hero looked a bit taken aback but answered.

"Yes I do, and often. There could be someone crying out for help anywhere in the world right now and we would never know about it. I know it can be frustrating, but we're only human... There will always be people beyond our reach that we cannot protect. That's all the more reason to stand tall and smile, so that the symbol of justice is always there... Even if I can't always be in people's hearts."

"The kids worried about what Shigaraki and VOID said, don't worry. It's probably just resentment for heroes talking. All Might here has never failed to save someone after arriving at an emergency!" His gazed went to Midoriya's, "Think we've got everything we need so we're done here."


Their heads turned to see an officer and a woman in her 40s stumbling toward him with a tissue in her hand, "Izuku, baby! I-I don't think my heart can h-handle another scare!" Tears flowed down the woman's eyes blurring her vision. She clutched her son's arm, sobbing, "N-not after her! Not after that!"

"Mom I'm sorry, everything's going to be alright. There's no need to cry. Please don't worry, the heroes and detectives have been taking care of me all day and night." He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder to calm her.

Tsukauchi, spoke to the officer next to him, "Sansa, make sure they get home safe."

"Yes sir!"

Midoriya looked back at his mentor, he wanted to tell him. Everything. Something he hadn't done. Midoriya had never once talked about or mentioned his sister.

It was a topic that no one ever mentioned. His mother was too emotional and he didn't want to bring it up. And even Bakugo, his 'Friend' knew better than to bring up his missing sister. Even if All Might was his mentor, the one person he adored he didn't have the heart to tell him.


"Mm? You seem oddly happy today master. Perhaps it's the new recruits the league has managed to pull in? " A low scratchy voice spoke.

All for One coughed, "That's not the reason doctor, it's because Tomura Shigaraki has finally found his conviction.The league needs people that follow behind his principals, such as my dearest Y/n. I'll be leaving all the decisions up to him for now. If he asks me of course I'll help," Tubes from IV drips looped around the dark and dreary room. The light of the computer screen shining onto All for One's face, "I'll guide him if he needs it, that isn't a problem in my mind. In fact, I have been waiting for the day he came up to me and asked for help. I'm preparing him to become the next me." He smirked, leaning his chin on his hand.

The doctor spoke out,"And what about the girl? Y/n? Do you have any plans for her?" The older villain chuckled lowly.

"Indeed, she's Tomura's boulder. And even if our intentions for her were different at first, it can change." The doctor nodded. The screen changed to live footage of Y/n sitting on Tomura's lap again. A smile on her lips with half lidded e/c eyes, "She is possibly the backbone of the league that even I couldn't accomplish. She's more than what I could have asked for." And with that, the light's went out.


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