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When Hannah was in middle school and Mickey was in high school.
A knock was made on the Milkovich door. "Hannah get the door," Terry yelled from his spot on the couch. Hannah threw the paper towel she was using the clean the counter in the trash before making her way from the kitchen to the door. Another knock was on it as she walked. "I'm coming chill the fuck out." She said before opening the door. About six police officers stood in front of her house.
"Does Mikhailo Milkovich live here?" The cop closest to her asked. Hannah saw this cop before. He was one of the ones that always chased after her and Mickey and if he caught them he would drop them off here.
"You tell me, sir." She folded her arms over her chest.
"Hannah please I don't want to break in."
"You don't have a warrant." The cop pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.
"I actually do. Now we're coming in." They started to push past the small girl.
"Mickey run!" She yelled into the house before a cop pulled her away from the door.
The cops stormed into the house with their guns raised. Mickey jumped out of his bedroom window and ran. The officers searched the house before the lead cop said Mickey ran into his radio. They walked out of the house. The cops that stayed outside put Hannah in handcuffs so she couldn't interfere with Mickey's arrest. She leaned on a police car. "Where'd he go?" The officer who was talking to her before asked.
"I don't know." She stood up straight.
"You better not be lying."
"I'm not. I only told him to run not where to go."
"Okay." One cop started to take the cuffs off Hannah. She looked over after her hands were free. Mickey stood on the sidewalk on his way back to the house thinking that the cops would be gone.
"Mickey you dumbass!" She yelled. The cops went after him and all six piled on top of him.
They put Mickey in handcuffs and in the back of a cruiser. Hannah stood by the porch watching the cops talk and laugh about her older brother. "Why is he even being arrested?" She left her spot. The cop talking to her before walked up to her.
"For breaking and entering with a weapon. Now we have to go." They all got in their cars.
"Can I at least say goodbye?" She ran up to the car Mickey was in. He wouldn't look up at her. She hit the window. "Mickey. Mickey. No." The car pulled away from her. She held her head in her hands and held back tears. Yeah, she's seen this before but it was her dead beat father who was in handcuffs not her brother. She held back tears. He's gonna get out soon she told herself.

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