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-Love is not just a word but it also mean to accept someone's past mistakes, loving is not only for trusting but also for believing in what's the two of you felt for each other-


"Oh my God Jennie! You really want to do this?c-can you just calm down?" Rose trailed behind me as she want me to stop from walking.

"Calm down? What the fuck! How can I?" I say with fully anger as I continue to walk past into the unfamiliar place.

"Oh Gosh! I'm more stress now, you know I never saw you mad like this Jennie. Yah! Can you please stop for a moment and hear me out" My friend continue to calm me down while I still walk straight and clenched my fist as my knuckles are now visible.

I stop for a moment and face Rose. " I told you, you don't need to be with me this time, I can handle myself." I re-assure her but she just shake her head.

"I.don't.believe. You" Rose said word by words. " ... and You say you can handle yourself? God Jennie! Did you see what your acting now? It's the opposite of what you say. Tell me! What this woman did to you? Why you acting like you will kill this woman huh?" Rose continue that makes me think for a moment.

I was really mad because of what I discover about Lisa's situation. I don't know why, but I should be not like this, I should just let it go and never mind it because it's not my business to meddle.

"She never did anything to me but...."I trailed that makes Rose cross her arms as she wait for my explanation.

"But what is it Jennie Kim?" sometimes I really want my best friend not to go with me because she really the one to stop me, aishhhh!

"Look, its just me, okay?no one force me to do anything. It's just that I want to give a lesson to that bastard woman, she's taking advantage to Lisa." Rose knitted her brows before she realized that I blurt out Lisa's name.

Her mouth form a 0 shape "Oh.my.God! Jennie?are you out of your mind? So...you tell me that your doing all this because of Lisa? Gosh! I need a details first." my friend become interested every time I says Lisa's name.

"What? What details are you talking about?" I asked her that makes her just roll her eyes.

"God!basic details like who's this woman and what is her relationship to Lisa?" When I heard Rose blurt out the word relationship I think my blood boil for a moment at I gritted my teeth.

"They're not in a fucking relationship."I suddenly blurt out that makes Rose startled.

"Yah! Why so defensive? I just asked, duh!" Rose replied that makes me annoy.

I think I really need to tell her first before we go somewhere because sometimes, no I mean all the time that my friend will be curious she really do everything just to make me tell her everything that was happening, you know 'what are friends are for' if you just not tell her the whole story that was her mind set.

I can never also Lie to this precious Rosie posie, because she know whenever I lie or tell the truth. She's more than an FBI agent 2.0, but I don't really have a choice but say something but not all Lisa's thing because it's not my story to tell though.

"Okay my friend let's go in the cafe first and talk about it there. Shall we?" I mock her that makes her chuckles and nod in agreement.

She really love when I tell her an interested story especially about me and Lisa, what can I say? I think she's a big fan of our ship.*insert a wink*

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