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Flashback :

2 weeks and 3 days ago.....

It's 2 in the midnight when Jennie woke up. She didn't open her eyes but instead she move to the right side of the bed which Kai, supposedly laying next to her.

When she reach her hands to Kai's body and possess him into a hug. The brunette suddenly open her eyes when she felt no one beside her.

The space that supposedly Kai was laying is now empty. Jennie sat up immediately into the edge of the bed while the room was lightly dark.

She covered her body with a blanket and stood up as she make her way to the bathroom. She was naked because something happen to her and Kai, which is just necessary them to do cause they are a couple.

When Jennie reach the door she was confuse when the light of the bathroom is on. She knitted her brow when she heard her fiance mumuring inside the bathroom.

Before she can open the door, she suddenly pause when she realize that Kai is talking to someone in his phone. Jennie lean her ears in the framed frosted glass door and just listen to Kai's conversation.

She was just really curious because at this time, Kai is still using his phone. It's impossible that his boss would call him or any investors at this early though. Jennie just eavesdrop from the door and listening to her fiance intenly.

She can clearly heard Kai because he's speaking to loud, like he's in panic or shook. Even though Jennie can't hear the person Kai, was talking on the phone she still attentively listening to the conversation.

Jennie was really intrigue since Kai, went back home from the business trip. Cause since Kai, arrived in there house the guy was so aggressive and more touchy to her which is odd for Jennie.

She didn't mean to questions Kai's, attitude but she was just curious. But again she just shrug it off. She just think that Kai, misses her so much that's why the guy act like that.

Jennie snap back to her senses when she heard something that make her eyes widen in surprise. She pressed her ears more in the door as she Listen.

" No! I will be there. I want to check on you and the baby. Yeah, I promise just rest your body. Okay?" Kai said as he pace back and forth in the bathroom.

He's not aware that Jennie was eavesdropping him because he was so busy talking to the person in his phone. Kai continue to talk as he massage his temple.

Kai act like worried to the person he's talking to the phone. He was intently listening to his caller. While Jennie just still cannot process of what was just her fiance said a while ago.

A baby? Who the hell Kai is talking to?  Jennie ask in herself.

Jennie quickly step back when she heard that Kai, was ended his call. She tip toe walking towards their bed not to produce a noise. Like a ninja Jennie successfully lay her body in the mattress without even sweating.

The room was silent again, and Jennie didn't hear a murmur from the bathroom. She quietly wait for Kai to go outside the bathroom.

After a minute Jennie heard the sound of the water dripping down to the sink. She assume that Kai was just washing his face. Jennie squint her eyes immediately when she heard the bathroom door were open and then close.

Kai queitly proceed to lay down himself to the bed beside Jennie. While Jennie fake her sleep and just eavesdropping of what Kai was doing. Jennie felt a weight beside her which means Kai is slowly and gently lay down not to wake her up. But Kai was oblivious that his wife to be is consiously aware of what's happening.

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