Chapter 46

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"Letting you go does not means that I will forget you, It means to unwind of what everything we have before but honestly it's not easy to forget a precious person who already owns my heart."

A month later.......

"The heck Jen! After what she fucking did, you still want him to marry you?" Rose explode at the thought of Kai cheating of Jennie and her friend never do anything and just accept it.

"I think that's what you do when your in love with someone." A lie that makes Rose roll her eyes and mentally facepalm.

"Stupidity! Love huh? I don't believe your reasons." Rose said as a matter-of-fact as she fix Jennie's gown. Honestly Rose didn't buy it because she knew that there's only one person she knows that only Jennie feel loved, but she just shrug it of and just support what her friend do.

Jennie look stunning as she look at herself in the big mirror in the boutique we're she fit the wedding gown. Rose accompany her because Kai was so busy in work as usual. Jennie was happy that Rose was their to always support her for whatever decision she makes.

"You know that there is a belief that if the bride will fit the gown before the wedding, there's a possibility that the wedding will be cancel so it me-" Before Rose can continue Jennie glare at her in finish-that-sentence-or-I-will-end-our-friendship look.

Rose just purse her lips and act that she surrender as she raise her both hands in mid-air. Jennie just look away to her friend and intently glance at the mirror. Jennie was really happy that finally she will become a wife but why inside of her was so dark, she can't see any happiness inside of her heart.

Jennie stare at herself in the mirror and fake a smile. Jennie you've got this. This is your dream right? To marry the man of your dreams. Show me what you've got self and be happy. Jennie talking herself in thoughts as she stare at the mirror.

Jennie flinch when she felt a hands who's surround in her hips.

"Why do I feel like my friend is not happy?" Rose said as she hug Jennie from behind.

Jennie fake a smile. "Am I not? Of course I am. Who wouldn't be right? It's all woman's dream to get married." Jennie blurt out without any emotions.

Rose pull out from the hug as she felt a water in her hands and when she face Jennie and look at her friend who just bow her head she realize that Jennie was crying. Rose cupped Jennie's face but the brunette still look away to her friend.

"oh com' on! No need to hide it from me. I know what you feel even though you won't say a thing to me. I'm your friend here remember so no need to keep it inside." Jennie break down and even cry, she hug Rose so tight that makes Rose patted her friends back and even felt sorry for her friend.

Rose didn't know what really Jennie's goal why she still continue the wedding even though she knows that her friend is not happy of what's happening, none of them are happy either. But she still support and understand of what Jennie's decision that's why she's always their for her friend.


"Are you happy about this? Won't you regret it?" I ask Lisa that makes her look at me.

"How many times did you ask that? Let me remind you again Chu! That you're the one suggested it to me so if I regret it I will blame it to you." Lisa joke at me that makes me look worried at her, I feel guilty all of a sudden.

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