The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}34

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Chapter 34
Emotional Blizzard- I didn’t want them to hurt on account of me.

The next week or so was all over the place. Trying to recover from such an event was draining in itself. Of course, for three days they decided to stop classes so the school could recover after such an event happened on these very grounds. I would have rather gone to class though as it would have proved to be an awesome distraction.

My mind was brought back to the situation at hand. Court.

Yes, not only were we subjected to suffering the events that occurred due to Meghann’s stepfather, having our lives almost snatched away just as we began to fall back in the normal once again, but the police claimed that we had to sit through an hour of court in order for Meghann’s stepfather to get what he truly deserves.

Of course Cole, Mrs Osborne and Kimberly were largely against it, being confronted with the image of this psychotic man, but Meghann and I both agreed that we had to do this so he couldn’t hurt anyone again.

Eric Parker (a.k.a my sport teacher), started involving himself more and more in this situation. Of course after the events that left me in hospital and left Cole in court, Eric had become a major part of my life but recently he had been withdrawing a little, due to him needing more breathing space with it all. I completely understood. He would smile and casually speak with me when I bumped into him at school, of course. But our relationship was different now. He was still like a father to me though…or maybe an older brother.

So as this situation arose, he, too, involved himself more in my life. He was very apologetic that he hasn’t been there for me for the past month, but I told him I understood.

Eric was also extremely uneasy about this whole court thing.

But for Cole this, of course, wasn’t his first time at court. This must be hard for him as the last time he went to court, it was after he had defensively killed my kidnapper.

So with this day being filled with preparation for court, anxiety filled the air and entered my lungs, making it almost impossible to breathe clearly.

Meghann had spent the night as I doubted either of us could get any sleep had we been alone in our dorm rooms. So as morning approached, we put on the most formally appropriate clothes, did our makeup in the best way we could and put our hair up in buns. My hair, of course, was wild and hard to tame but I surprisingly managed to put it in a bun on my second go.

After a bit, Meghann and I paused and looked at each other, acknowledging how hard the next few hours would be.

‘We can do this, Meghann.’ I said in fake optimism.

‘Maybe you can, but not me. I’m not as strong as you, Avery. I haven’t experienced as much as you have nor ever had to deal with these kinds of emotions. Sure, my mother’s death had a large impact on me, but this is different. In a way, those emotions are returning, especially since I have to look at the man to who killed her and almost took both of our lives.’ Meghann said with a strained face and stiff posture.

‘Meghann, my experiences have nothing to do with this. The fact is that I’m scared…petrified…but I’m trying to force those emotions and feelings to the back of my mind where they’ll be forgotten after the trial. We have enough on our plates without having to deal with these sorts of intense emotions.

‘Your mum didn’t deserve to die and you sure as hell didn’t as well. Remember, we’re doing this for your mum; we’re doing this so he doesn’t have a chance to hurt either one of us again, and we’re doing this so he won’t be a danger to society. He’s clearly not in his right mind and the longer he’s roaming the streets on his own freewill, the more likely he is to hurt someone. We’re both going to go out there, get into that car and go to court with a brave face. Don’t let that bastard see how much he’s affecting us.’ I spoke with as much confidence as I could.

The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}Where stories live. Discover now