The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}5

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Chapter 5

Past exposed- ‘Why are you smiling?’

Her smile dropped from her face with the realization of the situation.

‘Meghann… tell me what that scar is!’


“…Meghann and I decided to go clothes shopping. We entered several different clothes shops until we finally stopped at Supre.

‘Look at that perfect dress! Help me try it on!’ Meghann demanded with a smile, instantly grabbing for the dress and seizing me and dragging me off to the change rooms after her.

She stopped at a random change room cubical before quickly going in whilst I waited for her outside it. ‘Avery, zip me up!’ Meghann said cheerfully as I let out a sigh and walked into the change room. My finger found the zip and that’s when I saw the horrid scar.

‘Shit.’ I hear her curse under her breath before turning around instantly to hide her back…”

‘Meghann?’ I asked hesitantly as I saw her expression as one of distress. She looked as though she was having a panic attack until I realized she really was.

She bent down on her knees before inhaling and exhaling deeply. I then bent down next to her and rubbed her shoulder. ‘Meghann… calm down. Breathe!’

‘I-I-I c-can’t-t.’ she spat out between breaths.

I tried fanning her with my hands as I didn’t know what else to do. ‘Do you want me to call somebody in here?’ I asked in anguish.

‘No.’ she answered back.

Then, finally her breathing slowed but it still wasn’t normal. She tried to stand up but I saw her lack of energy so I hoisted her up to her feet.

It was as though Meghann could read my mind as she spoke ‘Not here… please.’ She said as she looked around, seeming paranoid.

‘Get changed.’ I necessitated as I walked out, shutting the door.

After a minute or so, Meghann walked out; not meeting my eye as she returned the dress and led the way out of the store. ‘Wher-‘I tried to say as she cut me off ‘Car.’ Meghan ended any means of further conversation as we walked silently to the car.

Many thoughts were flying through my head at the explanation of the deep cut. I could have let it go with a simple explanation (or well considering the deepness and the roughness of the scar… maybe a bit more of a clarified explanation) but the way she acted… her expression, her manner and the panic attack she had; it made me very suspicious…

Silence still clung in the air around us as we nervously walked to the car. I felt strong anxiety and fear for the unknown as I’m sure Meghann also felt fear but also the act of being revealed. But I felt no pity just yet… if I were to feel pity for Meghann; it would at least be accompanied with an answer to my suspicions.

Was the fortune teller right though? Could it be possible that betrayal lies ahead? Will Meghann go on a journey to the unknown with me by her side?

I put a hand through my hair in frustration as we finally reached my car. We didn’t get in as there was no need for it but instead we simply stood there awkwardly; both of our thoughts taking a journey of their own in separate parts.

‘L-look Avery… please don’t tell anyone…’ Meghann stuttered nervously.

I looked Meghann in the eye with ease and spoke ‘Just relax Meghann… I’m not going to bite you… but I also won’t tell anyone with one condition of course. As long as you tell me the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you have nothing to worry about. And you have to remember that I am here for you and you can tell me anything… and just remember that I spilt my guts out to you. And I am also taking in the fortune tellers words and lessons in consideration to all of this…’

The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}Where stories live. Discover now