• Once Upon A Time In Gotham (Pt.6)

Start from the beginning

"Hey Trent. Sorry I overslept. I forgot to set my alarm. Is Glen really pissed at me?"

"Yeah you look like you've had a rough night." Trent remarked scathingly. "You're such a klutz. It's a good thing filming has been postponed today because of the weather, otherwise Glen would be seriously pissed, and rightly so."

Ignoring his trademark skits, you quickly processed the important things he'd said that actually mattered.

"For real? Yes!" You briefly closed your eyes, relieved. "Thank god. I could use a day off."

"Day off? Uh don't get ahead of yourself (y/n). Instead of just lounging around you could do something constructive, like rehearse." He smiled self-assuredly. "We can go over our lines together, god knows you need the practice."

Over in the bed, Arthur lay curled under the blankets, hiding to save you any embarrassment should he come in. It had been his natural response as you'd gone to open the door, even though the bed wasn't visible from that angle.
But now he found himself wanting to leap out and confront the arrogant prick.
Who the hell did he think he was, talking to you like that?

"You know what Trent? I think I'll save your precious time and take a rain check. I have plans." Arthur heard you say.

Trent's expression instantly darkened. You could see how deeply offended he was and you couldn't have cared less.

"How the hell can you have plans? You only just found out we're not filming until it stops raining!"

Your own expression remained stoic as you eyed him steadily. "Yeah, well I can think of plenty of other things I'd rather be doing."

Trent became incensed. "Excuse me? This is work, and I'm willing to sacrifice my own free time by offering to help you out here. But you can forget it now, sweetheart."

"Okay I won't keep you any longer then. Goodbye Trent."

"Oh so you're just going to, what? Waste your time with that so-called mystery man of yours? Which, by the way, I don't think is that big a mystery. The only guy you've met since you got here is that clown. And I mean that in every sense of the word!"

Hackles rising, you scowled at Trent. Infuriated by his uncalled-for meanness. "Don't say that about him, you don't know the first thing about him!"

Trent's jaw slackened in shock as he stared at you aghast. "Oh my fucking god. It is the clown!" Recovering swiftly he forced a peal of mocking laughter. "Oh that's real classy (y/n). Seriously. Have your standards really sunk that low? I mean, I know you're an easy lay, but I'd have thought that even you would draw the line at a freak like that."

"Fuck you Trent! You know nothing about me, or him, so keep your narrow-minded opinions to your fucking self!" You raged, having to fight the urge to smack him hard across the mouth.

Arthur heard the door slam shut and fought his way from under the sheets, his face hot after having practically suffocated.
Anger was swirling in the pit of his stomach. How dare that asshole say those things about you.

Seething, you stomped back to the bed, tugging on your hair in frustration as you let out a growl of annoyance.

And just like that Arthur's anger quelled. He could see you were upset, and you were his priority. What you needed now was kindness. Your feelings took precedence over his.

"Hey hey, it's alright." He moved forwards, wrapping a strong arm around your shoulders. You were shaking with anger. "Don't let the bastard upset you (y/n). He isn't worth it."

You took a deep breath as you caved against him. Practically liquefying in his arms. He was right. Trent wasn't worth it, but that didn't mean his jibes didn't hurt. But you would rise above it as usual and be the bigger person. And Arthur's embrace soothed you. His very presence had a calming affect on you.

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